Should games like Dark Souls have an easy mode?

  • Yes
  • No

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uh,why not?
also you not gonna post talking dark souls is extremaly fucking hard right?

reason behind this is player satisfaction after defeating a tough boss. difficulty is part of the game and without it can hurt the experience. overcoming an extremely difficult boss is part of the game

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if you want an easy mode just download cheats pussy :sunglasses:

[to all of you softies out there of course I don’t fucking mean it jesus christ ]

Easy mode is for losers

I not want ez mode,i thinked inferno was about to complain about dark souls difficulty

what is a pussy? Is this a joestar?

an easy version of an insanely difficult game makes every achievement feel like they’re worth nothing
whereas progressing through the game normally and overcoming difficult obstacles provides a sense of satisfaction that cannot be granted through easier games
difficulty does not make a game feel miserable to play - it makes the player feel more satisfaction in completion and overall makes them feel more whole as a result

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but you won’t get the satisfaction of destroying a boss

tbh imo harder games really should have easy modes
there are people who just genuinely want to play a game but they can’t progress due to it being too hard for them
personally wouldn’t use easy mode but it could be there just in case someone wants to be able to actually do stuff or they just don’t feel up for a challenge