Should I put down my sunken sword

Its the last weapon from the wipe I still have equipped, should I do it

  • yes
  • no
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no. why? the weapon skill stuff is being added. perhaps there’s a chance the ghost sunken sword can have its skills removed and saved. i still have my ghost sunken sword equipped, im not backing down. mods wont even restore them smh

Why can’t they restore it? Do they just not have the tools to do it or sumn?

they can


I’ve recieved galleons and ds chests b4

they can, they just wont unwipe wiped items from the great weapon purge

i thought i heard that they would restore ghost weapons though since it’s a lot less than every wiped weapon

they did?

they specifically said to me once that they could restore ghost weapons, but that it would be too many people. also, players could get mad that some people get restored and others don’t

it would be simple to prove ghost weapons since the proof is right there, the equipped weapon doesnt show in your inventory

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to remove a weapons skills you have to do it in the blacksmith GUI… which requires the item to not be equipped to show up.

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still taking the chance that somehow its fixes itself, copium

did they say approximately how many people?

…well everyone who didnt unequip their weapons
they cant just know how many there are, just that its potentially every player who had their weapon wiped

i dont recommend doing it for no reason unless you actually want to use that weapon slot, however its basically impossible that your weapon will be refunded (not fair for others, the longer we wait and the less fair it is as many people had been denied and now would learn that they could have kept their stuff…)

i think the ship for restoring ghost weapons has sailed long ago now. If you want to use that slot for a different weapon then just unequip it. Personally I would but to each their own.

if i had a spare sunken sword i would, but its simply way too versatile and necessary for warrior to give up. although having one weapon slot be permanently sunken sword really kills the potential for creativity and kinda killed off my motivation to keep playing my main file and the game itself

i also lost sunken staff, but no way to prove that one since i didnt have it equipped

It has to be put down eventually… you can’t live in a dream forever… the bandage has to come off sometime… I’m running out of idioms and analogies…