Should ranks be turned back to F-Class, E-Class, or stay as "Starter Wizard", "Novice Wizard", etc?

Just a small poll

  • Become CLASS
  • Stay as WIZARD

0 voters

I would rather it stayed as Wizard ranks, since these ranks are more geared towards stating how experienced you are at the game (hence the Starter Wizard and Novice Wizard stuff). Class ranks feel like they’re more for how good you are, and people who are A-class or even S-class could still be mediocre at the game compared to someone who’s an E-class.

I honestly prefer it being wizard over classes, because most games are using that specific ranking of F-Class, E-Class, D-Class, etc. until SS-Class, which doesn’t feel fitting. It’s definitely better for it to stay as Starter Wizard, Novice Wizard, Apprentice Wizard, Adept Wizard, Advanced Wizard, etc. until Legendary Wizard.

Arch-Wizard and the like you can have so many more opportunities rather than just restricting yourself to just letters

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Wizard King, Sorcerer Supreme - I get the wizard at the end but maybe other name could be use too.

If I’m not mistaken the “classes” were based off of fairy tail just like the names for the tiers of magics(maker and dragon/demon/god).
So it should stay as the different “wizard tiers” to be more unique than be based off of an anime.

Well it’s not like that is the only anime with classes, one punch man has C-rank and stuff like that, but I definitely prefer the wizard names bc that is more original

I know it’s not the only anime with classes but if you look at everything in game you can tell there are concepts from fairy tail on there.

Honestly I believe beyond a certain rank players should have to prove by their deeds in the world if their Experienced Wizards and above so it gears people towards being more engaged in the mechanics of the game. Either your helping people in quest depending on your alignment, mentioned in the news multiple times, or beating a bunch of people in pvp based combat, etc.

perhaps if it stayed as started, novice apprentice etc but there was a little subtitle under it like

Starter Wizard
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look at the wiki awakened magics are literally just dragon magic

Definitely stay as Starter Wizard.