Should shields deflect magic?

Like, if you perfectly time a guard, a blast attack should bounce off you, shouldn’t it?

I’d love to see that, it would be so fun to deflect and surprise attack the enemy, OR just to play tennis with friends :smiley:

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dude i was thinking about this yesterday, but i think it should be like Zelda breath of the wild as we all know vetex love that game, i think you should be able to make it bounce if you click at the same time it hit the shield

Sounds extremely silly and unpractical but hella lots of fun.

Regular shields - no.

Enchanted shields - possibly.

Legendary “magic” shields - yes.

Here’s an idea: Once you get the mastery tier of your magic and if you make a shield and that shield is better than their blast(clash advantages would play a part) it could possibly deflect the blast and negate the damage if timed right.

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I 2nd this idea.

Sad magic barrier noises

i think thats a pretty good idea honestly, id love to play tennis with friends

I think its fine as it is, as cool as that’d be, it’d be really wonky

Would definitely make people want to use shields more…

But deflecting and reflecting are different things. Reflector magic would actually hit the attack back at the person to be able to damage them while shields would just deflect the magic off to the side…