Show Magics/Fighting Styles/Both in Player Info Card

Show Magics/Fighting Styles/Both in Player Info Card
effort 2.0 3 quality 3.5 2 reasonability 2.5 4

With the game’s balance in the state that it is, you really want to know who you’re up against. A player’s magic and fs are important stats that you would probably want to know, for example if you were wondering about someone in the server’s magic combo to use for your own build.

eeeeeeeh i dont like how any random can see everyone’s kit when joining the server
feel like it’d just lead to bullying if someone’s set is currently underpowered. i know how toxic this community can be. dont need one more reason to think whatever i use is too common either


I feel like this is good for bounty hunting, but people can also see yours as well so.

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counterpoint, do you know how annoying it is to try to bounty hunt someone only to find out it’s a metal metamancer. You’re pretty much guaranteed to die and that’s a huge loss. It works both ways I guess.

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yeah you are proving my point, it’ll just be abused by bounty hunters to hunt the weakest ones

Bounty hunters can already do this though through levels, since people going through the story typically having a lot of renown. I don’t think adding this would further the problem heavily.

nah too much information, gonna give away the suprise element.

What are you on? People going through the story typically have sub 100k renown lol

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Can’t really say I’m a fan of this. Ruins the element of surprise almost completely. You can see their build, and I believe that’s enough. As Waping mentioned, this gives far too much of an advantage to the aggressor in situations such as these.

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I think reserving this for sensing would be cooler


Personally not a big fan of this idea. It kind of ruins the “surprise” and information gathering element when your fighting someone (like I find it fun to figure out what the opponent has before fighting them while I get to surprise them).

I meant 4-7k, which if you’re hunting noobs that renown range would make sense.

This reply has more reasonability than suggestion


you could also just bounty hunt properly? stalk your target, watch what they do, and see “oh hey they just used a metal attack”

or the ones you actively or passively counter with your build

possibly better idea
with sensing which is planned what if you could sense their magic/fighting style vaguely (it would glow the color of their magic, and fighting styles could have their own colors eg: grey for cannon fist, white for basic, pink for boxing, red for thermo, blue for sailors) and if they have both eg: green crystal and cannon fist it would be a mix of Green/Gray particles (with relative ammounts depending on stat points allocation)

if sensing was like arcane adventure, yeah thatd be added, but supposedly its different from that (the trello card is outdated) so idk how itll go

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