Sixqo8 is here now (me)

I finally decided to join this forum (mainly so I could eventually make suggestions)

I like Arcane Odyssey but I still try to touch grass and do other things in life.
and uhh, today was the day I was born so thats pretty coool :confused:

im curious about what the community is and what people do here so reply with fun stuff please

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Happy birthday


Anyways nice to meet ya, I’m the local dragon enthusiast.

The community is hell and there is no fun.

Also happy birthday

Welcome to the forums :clap:

There’s lots of discussion to be had here, about basically any topic relating to AO or beyond. It can get a bit intense at times but overall it’s the Place to be if you wanna engage in conversation or have any questions about the game

This the the main discussion area for AO. You can go to Vetcord to, but here it’s more chill and organized. We discuss anything from new game updates to weird dreams we had related to The Exiled.

…on second thought I maybe should re-evaluate my choice

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