SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

Lol I just thought that Vetex was trying to make a metaphor of killing great and powerful characters with the most unusual death like stubbing their toe and die but this could be the case either way.

if they retcon my other glorious king im gonna sob :sob::pray:



vetex wants us to believe that the people in the bronze sea are stronger by nerfing and retconning goats from the seven seas…

next thing you know rupin gets retconned :sob:

whenever I have OP characters I just buff everyone else to level the playing field

unless that’s a bad thing to do aswell idk lol

i’ll be real i think its better

especially considering characters need… yk… growth
thats my perspectoive on it aetleast

morock wasn’t even ridiculously OP when in actual AA scaling, he like all other curse users (of the elemental variety) had a strange allergy to sea water, which is like 80% of the habitable world

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far more than 80% in aa too, considering durza literally shattered and sunk most of the planet.

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I guess in retrospect morock was a pretty average curse user, he still had standard weaknesses

I kinda wonder how he’d handle the vacuum of space assuming curse users are supposedly immortal under normal circumstances

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The best part is that he officially retconned it bc of a question I told someone to ask,
I killed Morock! :smiling_imp:



I do kinda wander about that cause like, stuff like fire magic still retain a lot of the properties of their physical counterpart, going out underwater. So presumably the same thing would apply in space where there’s no oxygen to maintain it unless whatever waterproofing trick Hendrix will eventually teach us works in space too. Don’t know if this applies to promethean fire though since I don’t know where it’s shared properties with regular fire ends.

when, where, how, I have so many questions

vetex also apparently says durza is weaker in aa than when he fought theos the second time, which is weird and only makes sense if his world nuke actually used up the magics/curses he had so he had to start from scratch


I told trli to ask that, and it ended up with vetex publicly retconning morock and promethean flame

It’s over…

Theos injured Durza
bro should have learned iron leg

maybe the nuke hurt himself too, though you’d think he would’ve recovered by now

no way would that have kept his power down considering he not only ditched his physical form, you know, the thing that was injured, but it’s literally been 800 years since then. you telling me losing a limb, which people can recover from in months irl, has been hampering durza for 800 years??? the durza being a fraud agenda truly has no limits

yeah not to mention he got rid of his physical body so any phyiscal damage shouldn’t even really matter by that point

Probably damaged his mind considerably then. It’s possible that he couldn’t safely use any extra power that he might have gained or something strange like that.
Yeah I don’t really have any other explanation

Durza got magic Alzheimer’s :pensive:

I mean actually, you’ve proven I was right all along.

Vetex outright here states Morock was the strongest, and he had to be removed because of that.

"Morock is canonically a fodder "
Interesting that he had to be “retconned” because he was “overpowered” :yawning_face:

In conclusion, Morock has ascended the AU, because he’s already confirmed to be THAT stronger than everyone else.