SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

if morrock solos my favorite mc can morrock beat morock?

While I did predict that only involvement from vetex be the only thing that would allow me to win the cursebeard vs morock argument, this is now how I expected the involvement to go.

i ship them

morbeard forever

Morock canā€™t fly since thatā€™s directly using his Curse making him insane.

CLEARLY he wasnā€™t thinking this through, I wouldā€™ve invested into a awsome magic jetpack rather than some boringgggg sword.

nah vetex (or tech maybe) said morock could use his curse, its he doesnā€™t cuz his sword is cooler

(also heā€™s FODDER)

why did this get revived?

Morock died

because morock is just so goated he lives even in ā€˜ā€˜deathā€™ā€™

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like right now? where?

Vetex recently retconned Morock. This means that skittle has got a new argument and also a new challenger when it comes to claiming Morock as the strongest character

these mfs hallucinating morocks life
like bro let it go it wasnt your fault he died


Basically now skittle is saying that vetex ā€œbasically confirmed that Morock was the strongestā€ since he was retconned because promethean fire as a single magic/curse was too powerful.

You know Iā€™ve always wondered why did Morock just pathetically die like slipping off of his ship? I know it was cus of his overwhelming power and Valencia but likeā€¦

Why couldnā€™t he just fly like all the other elemental curse users do lol.

Does he not know???

I can just leave it as ā€œvetex was just a teen tryna do cool stuff in his writingā€ heā€™ll PROBABLY rewrite his cause of death.

Reaction time I would imagine, he wasnā€™t expecting a danger from below and since heā€™s only ever faced people much weaker than him he isnā€™t particularly used to reacting to and dodging attacks quickly

I canā€™t imagine it being his reaction time thatā€™d be even more pathetic what the hell.

I cannot fathom a character like Morock so strong to instantly die upon contact on a magic ocean itā€™s INSANE!!! (same goes to Cursebeard for losing against Durza because he was depressed)

Thereā€™s this pattern where Vetex just makes the strongest characters die in the lamest way, I also heard that Theos supposedly died from blood loss instead of from Undead Prometheus or by Durza but Iā€™m not sure on this information.

This is true but at least it isnā€™t as much of a pathetic death because he actually won the fight but died afterwards.

Cursebeard presumably never lost close friends before, and considering that he was unable to chase down durza easily, you can see why he became somewhat hopeless. It doesnā€™t make it any more of a satisfying death, but at least itā€™s less of a ā€œhe dies randomly because he would have won the fight otherwiseā€

Vetexgames tries not retconning an overpowered character every -365 days challenge. (impossible)

Mark my words as i say Theos will be next.

RIP Freedrock, that guy aint making it out of 2024 un-nerfedā€¦

Yeah, pretty true. Iā€™ve been saying this for a WHILE now, but itā€™s never been truer now. The AU has like 100 people stronger than the AO Cast ever will be. Vetex in recent times has tried to cull these, either by massive ridiculous nerfs to make the feats of his boring ass new characters impressive, or retconned/killing off certain characters. Shit, I think Romulus, the Canon Fist maker from AA could beat everybody in the Bronze and Nimbus Seas.

The Grand Fire Curses were always getting nerfed, they outright made Cursebeardā€™s 4 curses obsolete with only 1 curse.

tldr: Vetex is trying to cull the unique scaling of characters from AA, because they no longer fit his new simplified and generic magic system.


Vetex will have to re-write AA the way this is going.

sigh Another classic newbie writer mistake.
:fr: :smoking: