SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

Youre right sorry I took my pills today and it has made me a bit iffy

You are forgiven, we all make mistakes :pray: :pray:


I personally think AO would’ve fit in the timeline way more and been more interesting if it had been set during the Age of Discovery. There’s a literal 400 year period (technically more like 800 years) with NOTHING on the lore doc, so it could’ve taken place in like Y800 or 900. And most of the major selling points of AO could have been kept:

  • The AO MC could’ve still been a descendant of the gods, and them being so strong actually would make more sense since the bloodline wouldn’t be as diluted. Heck you could even have Poseidon train or advise you directly since he’s still alive

  • You can still keep the whole kingdom wars stuff since there’s no more godly oversight, so I’m sure the magic wars from the Golden Age of Magic would’ve started up again. And nothing would be stop Vetex from having the current factions in this time period

  • AO MC would’ve gotten rid of the “AO ancient mega threat” way before AA, that way the PK’s achievements of defeating Durza & Hades (i.e. the last major threat of the world) doesn’t take place IN THE SAME YEAR

  • Most of the different magics and mutations from AO should still exist at this time, as Vetex has said that elemental curses all have a magic counterpart that was known in the time of the gods. So that one part in the lore doc talking about how after Durza went into solitude mutations were discovered is technically wrong

  • Curses already existed in the Age of Discovery so no need to even change anything on who has what curse

So yeah setting AO during that time period, to me, would’ve improved its vibe a lot. Would’ve felt like its own game and setting instead being a gentrified AA.


Technically this is dedicated to the Old Sea, and was formerly dedicated to the Seven Seas, but yeah this is actually a barren ass 800 year gap between the Nuke and AA, with the only thing inbetween it is the destruction of the Old Sea, and some Pre-game Lore.

Yeah holy shit this actually solves ALOT. Having this be set during like Y1450 would allow Vetex to logically play, the villain is “a tool of Hades” (alongside Torren and Durza), whilst still not having whatever the AO MC does immediately over-shadowed by the PK’s boss-rush.

Would actually prefer the War Seas to while still use the foundation of AA’s magic system, have variations and unique features to show the 800 years worth of isolation between the Sea Clusters. Something like how AO’s Colour-Blinding Shadow is different from AA’s withering Shadow.

Yeah entirely, everything on this list would have made AO a nice staple to the AU timeline.

What we really need though is a game set BEFORE the nuke. Like holy shit, we need to see the Golden Age of Magic and the Promethean-Zeus Conflicts for the stance of Magic with Humanity.


Oh I actually meant that AO should be set before Durza’s nuke, since the Age of Discovery took place from Y600 to Y1051 which was Durza’s boom boom. There’s literally nothing in the lore doc from the end of the War of the Gods in Y227 to Durza finding the Absorption curse in ~Y1000.

So setting AO somewhere in that other 800 year gap (two 800 year gaps is crazy) would let it exist in a post-Pantheon/pre-Durza world while hypothetically still letting it keep it’s most of its identity.

Yeah having the AO MC and PK’s shining moments be within 3 years is like… bruh. Why did vetex even do that

Agreed, I was personally kinda disappointed to learn that mutations are what the War Seas use too in lore since the Seven Seas using mutations and the War Seas using scrolls was really interesting (webcomic still follows that let’s go)

Ooohhh yeah if we go with my idea for AO being set after the Pantheon falls but before Durza’s nuke PLUS your idea for a game here, we would basically have a game for each major time period in AA history

  • Golden Age of Magic - your idea
  • Age of Discovery - my idea for AO
  • That time period a few hundred years after Durza nukes the world - Online Fighting/Old Sea
  • Age of the Seven Seas - AA
  • Age of Migration/Age of Peace - WoM (BRING IT BACK VETEX)

here’s the thing, this IS the golden age of magic.
The entire planet is permeated with magic energy, allowing for alloys that can conduct magic, powerful armor, atlantean essence, and an excuse to block off the borders of the world.

Yeah sure technology got set back about 200 years, but magic didn’t. What better source of magic then the stuff that probably makes up about 95% of the world in this verse?

tbf the lore doc calls the period from Y1-Y227 the golden age of magic so that’s where it’s coming from

fair enough

If this was to happen, I REALLY want the “AO is actually set on IRL earth” to be ended. Just thinking of events in the AU happening in real life Europe just sucks, geographically and logistically it just doesnt make sense. + When the AU was it’s own continent world thing, It wasn’t just some insane focus on Europe only.

Also side rant, it makes NO sense that Theos is in a ANGLO SAXON city, when CURSEBEARD is literally the CELTIC BRITON king.

If you know anything about this period in England, You know that King Arthur (Cursebeard) spent his life repelling the Anglo Saxon invasions in his homeland of England (technically Britannia), so it just makes no sense that Anglo Saxons would have made Dunwhich. Oberon was better realistically, since Dunwhich as also never going to fit the descriptions of the grand city of Oberon.

I still want the War Seas to use mutations, but I want scrolls to return to their original place. Which was to be used through hex-marks which allowed for the bypassing of Humanity’s inability to use more than 3 minds/magics.

AU cinematic universe :money_mouth_face:
We need a WoM webcomic after the AA one!!!


The Golden Age of Magic is the name of an Era, not a subjective title imposed by me. It’s called the Golden Age of Magic because it’s when “Ancient and Lost” Magics, were just regular magics.

It’s the period in which all the Magics used in the modern AU were made, so it’s definitely the peak of Magic Innovation until the WoM era. (WOM’s Migration Period = The Second Golden Age?)

i know blueyonder explained it to me


It’s so funny that Vetex obviously wants some modicum of internal consistency and realism with the lore given him doing all this retconning, but when it comes to actual history he just throws adherence to realism out the window. Which wouldn’t have been a problem if he didn’t change the lore to be BASED ON EARTH’S HISTORY

God damn it hex-marks would’ve been such a cool evolution of magic. Same with those different magic tiers of normal/mastery/awakened, with awakened-tier magic not requiring magic circles

I mean if I can rant further, I really wanna complain on the impacts some people getting magic before others would have?

Like the Romans would be the FIRST to have magic, as Greece was a Core Province by 100 AD. Rome would NEVER have fallen, since they outright could have erased the Germanic Tribes in the North. So Cursebeard himself existing would also require the Romans to fail to conquer Britannia also? Unless Cursebeard was just a General like many historians believe the real King Arthur was but yeah.

Also, can we just talk about what the fuck happened to people like the Polynesians? If Vetex wanted a cool semi-historically realistic cultural system, instead of… Vikings? (Which themselves ceased to exist by the time the Earth Blew up, since Y1000 = 1100 AD), we could have gotten cool Polynesian Sea peoples.

So yeah, TLDR having an entirely unique world fixes all problems, since Vetex can just ignore logistics (going from Europe → Asia in 100 AD is going to take you your lifetime, since you’re probably dying at age 30 regardless.) by just having his own unique world.

(Sorry for the constant side points, but what tf even happened to the unique race of people Poseidon made lol?? You would think THOSE were the atlanteans, but It seems their only purpose was to make sunken armor?)

Also brings in the issue that the “Medieval” Age that Vetex wants to imagine, just doesn’t exist. Since most of the formative years for what we call the Middle Ages is just warfare for a bunch of Pantheonic Gods, which means Christianity never really spreads?

So no, Medieval Europe probably never existed, and in it’s place we either get a untouchable Rome, or General Successor States with maybe nations following the pre-Roman system of confederations.“England” wouldn’t exist, and I doubt Gaul would ever become France in this timeline due to the lack of Visigoths, Burgundi and Franks. Italy… Italy somehow only exists through Ravenna? Which Ravenna by the standards of 100 AD already uses outdated ass armor (another issue shared by Keraxe?)

I guess most of this culture issue I have comes from the fact that these are just generic Western culture tropes? I mean these have got to be the MOST generic national tropes I’ve seen in my life.

You have the standard:
“Vikings”, Latins, Egyptians, Japan (a westener’s favourite…) , England…? (Which is what both the Thorne and Azura Province seem to be?) which again raises more issues because what we call England in the AU universe is so alternated by Arthur Pendragon being the supposed strongest warrior ever, and the Romans being able to use magic on unsuspected Picts and Germans? (Holy shit this has become a history rant :sob:)

Keep on spitting dawg!

Also, I now want an AO fanfic that actually depicts an accurate alternate history timeline where magic was given to humans.

YESSS I’ve always wondered what happened to cultures OTHER than the “generic Western culture tropes” as you put it, like the native peoples in the Americas

Actually this also goes to your point of Romans/Greeks getting magic first, how DID magic spread through the world? When Prometheus gave humanity the ability, was it a worldwide phenomenon? Did people have to learn how to unlock it first or did everybody just suddenly understand they had magic? DID the people in the Americas ever learn about magic considering contact between Afro-Eurasia and the Americas wasn’t until ~1000AD?

So many questions we may not get answers to for a few years, if ever :pensive:

I’d assume there were cultures who NEVER learned how to use magic, but when you are confined to seven seas tops and the magic users are killing everyone, you’d figure it out pretty quick

oops I probably should’ve specified but I meant in the time period after the pantheon fell and before Durza shattered the continents, there was an 800 year period where Earth was still in the current continent setup but humans had magic and stuff. unless you’re saying cultures without magic from that time period survived into the seven seas era and eventually learned magic there?

also I swear I remember a screenshot where vetex confirmed there were new unnamed promethean flames besides the still canon ones (inferno, scorch, aethereal flame), does anyone have it/know where it is?

North sentinel island still doesn’t have normal tech irl, I’d assume even in 800 years there would certainly be parts of the world that didn’t know about magic except for aura since it’s subconscious.

It’s just most of the world either figured it out on their own, or were conquered/trained by magic users.