SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread




Ok yeah that’s probably it

a vague series of tales that was never meant to be taken as objective, but instead as a loose guide which can change meaning over time, with some of the stuff in it just being objectively false nowadays?

yeah that sounds about right

See the thing I don’t like about Vetex trying to make the lore make complete sense is that it’s an impossible task. There are so many other things in the Arcane universe that make less sense than Prometheus giving one last middle finger to Arthur by infusing his full power into a curse when you think about it beyond surface level.

WHY did Prometheus give humans magic? He gave humans fire cause he thought we needed it for warmth and food, but what did we need magic for? More fighting?? It’s literally the power of war and destruction according to the lore doc. We can’t even using the logic of him doing it to convince humans to sacrifice aurem to him to get stronger cause that’s not canon anymore.

Here’s a bigger question, why TF did he make curses in the first place??? Dude had to have known he was dead either way so why did he chicken out and give in to Arthur’s greed? Not only did he know it was a terrible idea, but he LITERALLY killed himself doing it. Was it out of spite? Then that circles back to why wouldn’t he infuse all his godly power into a curse out of spite too?

And sure these questions might get answered in AO but that won’t be for a couples years most likely so we’re just relying on “trust me bro.”

But this basically leads me to my personal big problem with the overcorrection of Arcane lore - it just seems like the lore is trying too hard now. Like why is there global spirit magic and that’s what allows the gods to control the weather? It didn’t need some fancy reasoning like that. Imo it was wayyy cooler when they could just do that like moving a muscle cause, you know, they’re GODS

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Presumably he had some sort of vision that told him that if he made curses, Arthur would die because of someone using a curse. He probably didn’t think that it would take as long as it would. (maybe he also saw his own revival and didn’t know that he wouldn’t be in control)

On the topic of this, Prometheus is NOT Prometheus from actual Greek Mythology. As in, they share NO similiarities lol.

Firstly, Prometheus gives magic instead of fire. In 100 AD. In Athens.
Which implies the Macedonian Empire, Ancient Egypt, The Roman Republic and Empire, were all formed WITHOUT fire.

Secondly, Prometheus loses the ability of foresight, the ONE thing that spared him from dying in the Olympian-Titan war?

So yeah, I don’t really even believe in the Lore Doc anymore, it seems Vetex wants to play pick and choose with Greek Mythology and real history? It’s inconsistent, atleast AA had the backing that it was FAKE world.


Honestly you don’t even need foresight for that, probably coulda guessed that sending out all these great powers into the world would probably bite the dickhead holding him at gunpoint in the ass

Maybe he made them specifically so that if you had one you couldn’t take another, so that Arthur would only get one curse and other people would be able to stand on more equal ground to him.
(unfortunately for him that did not work)

Okay but wouldn’t that be MORE incentive to make the Promethean flame curse to ensure he dies? And sure, Arthur didn’t die from it in old lore, but he also didn’t even die as a result of the Elemental Curses Prometheus made. Arthur died as a result of an Experimental curse user, and we don’t even know which gods created those.

Pretty shoddy foresight if you ask me, unless he also predicted Durza would absorb a bunch of Elemental Curses to help him fight Arthur. In which case, why didn’t he predict Arthur betraying him in the first place :sob:??

AA and AO are legitimately different stories.

Online Fighting and AA, along with WoM ALL played in together, they were very clearly a storyline with recurring magic systems and characters.

AO is outright doing their own thing. I DONT know why Vetex bothered to make AO “sequel” to AA’s Trilogy, since it doesn’t fit in the slightest.

It’s like if The Skywalker Saga from Starwars just ended with a time rewind to the Old Republic.


Actually why the fuck is the AA trilogy ending with a story that supposedly takes place on the other side of the World.

WoM was supposed to be the future of AA, so wtf does AO have to do with AA?

It lowkey just feels like Vetex was making a new project away from WoM, and to attract players he just slapped the AU label on it and said, "yeah this is the last game in the ‘trilogy’ "

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To be fair the Morock retcon only came to light after someone asked vetex in patreon about him specifically. For all we know the retcon could have happened a year ago or more

Vetex watching as a flood of questions start to get asked about a character who isn’t even canon anymore

This is EXACTLY what I was typing out until I saw you said it already lol. Making the timeline split at 100AD just opens up more questions that didn’t need to exist if the AU had just been it’s own mythos

Sorry this is just too funny cause ironically I think this is what happened to WoM - iirc in very early concepts it was a Fairy Tail inspired game (if not a Fairy Tail game entirely), but it ended up being the ending for the Arcane universe and my GOAT lorewise. But we all know how that ended up

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idrc if morock is non canon as long as i can still have my funny white fire sword

I know, but like I said I’m not going to assume that’s true unless confirmed. Plus I think its more than obvious at this point that Cursebeard was always intended to be the strongest anyways

Alot of people ask about the webtoon aswell which is even more uncanon

Yeah, the webcomic was never canon. Morock at the very least was canon at one point.
It could also be that vetex never specifically decided that Morock wasn’t canon until asked, and instead he just stopped really thinking about Morock when considering all the characters.

Vetex has mentioned that alot of the AA story had to be redone, whether its already been done and just hasnt been released im not sure. So it is likely a lot of what we know isn’t canon anymore

False, a true believer understands that the webcomic is THE only canon AU media, alongside AA, AR and OF.