SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

no, because I’ll always remain Morock’s #1 fan

no, that was not part of the post…
but if it waasss…

What’s wrong with being gay, pal :cat:

You tell me, your the first one who said that

that was meant to be a harmless comment, that was not an insult.
unless you interpreted it that way?

schrodinger’s comment, good move

I never stated anything was wrong with it

so why were you so insistent on it that it was me? did you interpret that as an… insult? :cat2:

(im literally aizen btw)

Your the one who implied there might be something wrong with it
nobody else ever said anything was wrong with it

it was interpreted as you trying to use it an an insult

To be honest I’m more annoyed that your quick replies meant that I couldn’t give a funny response

I never. I even put the fire emoji next to it to represent how cool it is to be gay.

refer to above.

puppykeeper, you don’t need to hate people.

excuse me?
you said it first, so when i say it, its hateful?
bs, your the one who said it negatively first

wtf is this man on about

I can’t believe one of my favourite forumers hates people based on how they think :cry:

:fist: #stoppuppykeepershatred :fist:


chat we should ban skittle for offending me

we should ban skittle because skittlesnake1 is mmy favourite forumer

shut up bully

how did i offend you pookie :cry:

daddys getting angry… you dont wanna see my evil side kitten…

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I could make such a good joke about this if I also though Morock was the strongest but also didn’t like you