SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

You fool…

You fool…

Silence yourselves, Baka Gaijins. I am a true Morockian Eldian Amestran Nordic Hyperborean WARRIOR, buddy.

Yea and I’m a true dubiouslittletyp0 of the chancla skibidi rizzmaxxer association

You fool…

Ngl morrock has a skill issue. Had the strongest curse ever and died to Valencia, who literally just had the shockwave curse. Couldve just flew. Icl skill issue

Yeah he also decided to use a ship that wasn’t strong enough to withstand himself instead of just flying.
Presumably he isn’t strong enough to fly constantly, unlike cursebeard

Skittles’ and puppykeeper’s first date gonna be :fire:

name 1 source where cursebeard flied.

He was accidently destroying his ship because he was too powerful.

All curse users can fly . If his shop broke he couldve just flew

More importantly, people’s words and opinions are not somehow separate from the movements of society. This person is most likely in the western world (probably an american) where homophobia is still a topic of vicious discussion, and where the average position is verbal “acceptance” but a dogged refusal to reject societal norms and rules that are homophobic in nature especially since rejecting most of these rules not-so-coincidentally results in rejecting patriarchal rules in general, and people generally do not even pretend to be in favor of rejecting those.

You don’t even need to entertain it; you know he’s playing a game, he knows he’s playing a game, you know he knows he’s playing a game. Unless you enjoy the game, which is weird to me but I have no power over you. I’ve only been on these forums for like a week now but based on his comment history I would have blocked him already if not for the fact that he hasn’t personally annoyed me yet.

Well if he can’t he’s even weaker

I meant to say Cursebeard, sorry I’m getting tired and I’ll prolly go to sleep now and continue this later :fire:
(im the mc)

Wait can’t cursebeard just use the tide curse to throw seawater on Morock

Morock has the hottest fire, ever. He very much literally could evaporate all the water. Some of you are very much unable to understand how strong the Promethean Fire Curse is. It’s literally the top 3 strongest curses combined, and then some. The Tide curse, while strong is not going to do much since Cursebeard would also die from water.

you’re being weak, skittle
become strong like Morrock
accept the fact that Morrock was kind of mid
only then you will become the true number 1 Morrock fan

The tide curse repels water.

But also, you haven’t considered the energy curse. Cursebeard could use his strongest possible attack as much as he wanted, Morock would burn out quickly if he tried the same.

you’re being weak, Iris.
become worthless like Iris
accept the fact Iris is the worst out of the Main Cast
only then you will retrieve your pride and honor.

Energy Curse is only stated to be for Physical Energy, which Curses are no longer tied to. (lore doc change) Morock wouldn’t burn out, because he’s not some weakling who doesn’t know how to use his ability. If he got tired of physical attacks, his sword would just cover, and his sword is stated to be able to destroy fleets and towns.

ok im going bed now btw so :person_shrugging:

Cursebeard didn’t read the patch notes, his build is no longer meta