Skyhall modifiers

Skyhall modifiers
effort 1.75 8 quality 2.125 8 reasonability 2.333333333333333 9

I actually agree with you here

You’re the one who made the suggestion so you should of added actual obtainment methods instead of giving random names and random stats.

The feedback people are giving you is valid because of what I said above and various other reasons. The suggestion sucks and there’s not much to it. It is that simple.

mmm ok

This may come as a shock to you, but sometimes things are so obvious that they don’t need to be said for people to know.

It can’t be diving because how would that work.
It can’t be fort raiding because how would that work.
Treasure charts, the primary way of obtaining modifiers, would work just fine.

If this has genuinely been a point of confusion for you, please stop giving “feedback”.

want valid reasoning
you practically just threw out names and random ideas that make no sense to how you obtain or use them.
we have enough stats already this is pointless, also having them unique to skyhall is unnecessary.

i’d hate to break it to you, but if you just slop down a list of ideas with no thought, reasoning, or effort it’s gonna get bad ratings. Try learning smth about quality because this is the equivalent of a shower thought into a suggestion.

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Except that you don’t know this lol and it isn’t obvious either. You nor I can’t predict anything Vetex adds.

Vetex is adding gliders so it could be some weird method of doing that.

Vetex can easily add a sky fort to raid

It could but you then run into the issue where there’s 5 entire modifiers just from Sky Islands when Vetex can add some other shit to do.

It isn’t, you’re just trying to claim something is obvious when it isn’t. The fact that there are currently 4 methods of obtaining modifiers (Charts, Diving, Doing Fort Castrum, Killing Atlanteans) proves it. I know you might still be upset about the fishing thing but please stop meatriding.

There we go.

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why would we raid skyhall, also sky ship fort raiding is WILD

You realize that he just said what I said but with different wording right?

Because Vetex can allow it to happen in the story. And things can be added for gameplay purpose without affecting the plot.

Easily? If you put any thought into it whatsoever, you’ll see how much of an absolute nightmare this would be for everyone.
On paper this would be incredible cool, in practice no.

Ok so how do you bring up the chests, you’re holding a glider.
What do they look like?
What threats are there?
What are the chests even sitting on???

You’re doing alot of complaining about feature creep when you’re just barfing out these ideas without any thought.
Infact, I’d bet that if I suggested what you just said, you’d show up to argue about it lol.

Also no, this isn’t about the fishing thing, I just want you to start giving actual good and useful feedback that helps in any way whatsoever.

You said feature creep, he didn’t.
You also added on a bunch of fluff to your message that actually is feature creep.

From what I’ve seen of you in suggestions, though, that seems to be the only thing you’re capable of saying.

This would be a nightmare in practice how? If you’re referring to the situation now that can just be fixed with optimization.

I dunno maybe you glide to some island and open a modifier chests and that counts as a sky activity or something

the exact method is irrelevant to my point since it wasn’t meant to be anything more than an example.

I’m giving examples of how modifiers can be obtained besides from charts like you claim is “So obvious that it doesn’t need to be said for people to know”.

The whole entire point is that it proves what you say wrong because Modifiers can easily be made to be obtained from something that isn’t charts.

I only count unnecessary features as something that shouldn’t be in the game (aka 5 fishing systems)

I think my feedback is good. Even the author of this one agreed.

He said what I said except I added even more reasons to give it a 1 star.

And if you’re confused I’ll even show you

this is similar to these one’s below

And this part is similar to another point I made as well

There you go

omg i actually understand this , thanks bro!!

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mmm and you tell me to add to my suggestion.

I made this suggestion for MODIFIER ideas, not the entire skyhall system.

And the modifiers you made are poorly designed and had no effort.

Both me and jared said this

Jared at least gave actual reasoning which I agree with. All you did was hate on an incomplete suggestion, and when asked what you mean you ALSO made an incomplete suggestion.

Keywords: “You agree with”

I gave reasoning and it being incomplete is the entire point of why it’s bad because it quite literally is just words with some stats (Both me and jared said the same thing)

The suggestions I made were a counter argument to what theoretical said about modifiers being obviously made for charts as examples and not meant as actual suggestions.

Please learn to read. Both you and theoretical lol

I never knew fort castrum gave modifiers and even if it did, why wouldnt vetex add the new modifiers to it unless he wants them in a different fort which wouldnt make sense…

Im not bothered to argue with some random person behind a screen.

It does

I dunno you’re the one who said they were Skyhall modifiers