Skyhall & The Nimbus Lands!

Guess so. Brighthollow sounds pretty cool though; a town inside a cave. Oooh I hope orange swiftcaps will grow there. I would love to have a place to farm them that doesn’t require climbing the Stepstones and flying to Skycliff on an extremely slow skyship.

skyhall will have unique mushrooms and other food items

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I wonder if they’ll give any unique effects.

Now we just gotta figure out where the Wastelands are. I think here.

did anyone notice that the library has its own banner btw
must be owned by a group seperate to skyhall

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pretty sure it is yeah

That’s probably where the new factions come in.

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I’m just waiting to see if he makes them racist. I sure hope so.

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Not gonna say much but Vetex did post something in the patreon chat once and yeah they are

It was already confirmed they are. I am curious how deep it runs and how common a view it is. Some of the mages there are probably old enough to have lived before the islands got launched up, right? Why grow to despise the place they came from? Maybe the event was deeply traumatic and so they cope by pretending it was a good thing, that the gods “ascended” them to the skies to be “above” everyone else.

I won’t lie, I think the bridge design is genius. Because yeah its super steep and you’re basically climbing a hill, but its also wide enough that it blocks a good portion of your view. So you’re climbing, and climbing, and then you get over the crux and you have this gorgeous view of your destination in front of you.

Max. If this is a scale from ‘most boring island in the game’ (Mango) to most interesting (Makrinaos), then this is breaking it and going beyond. This cluster of islands is incredible. Like yea, not every single one of them has a gigaton of things to find, but the big ones too, which is the important part.

are there any other major kingdoms in nimbus or is this it? is this like all the nimbus islands being completed

This is so peak. It’s like an entire sea’s worth of islands but in the sky.

I think Darkpine is the most boring actually. I like the tiny cave on the inside of Mango Isle, it’s a pretty neat secret. Darkpine is bigger and does even less with the space which is unforgivable to me. I know it has a criminal shipwright but I just don’t find that interesting in the slightest. It doesn’t relate to the island in any way, that shipwright could’ve been anywhere.


Sameria and Skyhall are the only ones I’m pretty sure. But no, the nimbus islands are not even close to being completed. The Bronze Sea is going to end off with exactly 40, and the Nimbus Sea has much more space to fill than Bronze.

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Yeah the bridges look super cool. I absolutely LOVE how high they go.

there were sky islands in wom?

He’s talking about the big wilderness areas in wom

Hey… Anyone notice that giant cloud above Skyhall? Why is it there? Seems random, but what if there’s significance to it? Maybe there’s gonna be one more sky island… a secret one, or one related to the story.

Thats a weather cloud.