snow part of the snowy sky island
Oh yeah… That would make sense.
you’re telling me its raining on the clouds?
0/10 immersion ruined.
despite it being filled with rascists I am going to adore exloring this place and chilling with the pvp toggle set to OFF
i already know that hunting people here is gonna be worse than having a migraine and a actively cramping leg
Everybody knows that clouds only exist on exactly one layer.
No need to spread lies.
Sky islands might be my favorite fictional type of land mass ngl
sending them off the edge of one of the islands (getting sent to the seas as a skyhallian is a fate worse than death (according to skyhall government))
An architects dream is an engineers nightmare
We’re coming to the end chat, we’re at 39 iirc
Don’t forget about Hallbjorn bossfight arena
Yeah I’ve mentioned that to someone, saying “Surely it has to be 41, not 40” But they argued it would probably just be counted as part of the Northern Jaws. And it seems like they were right, as Vetex has stated the Bronze Sea would only be getting one more island, and the volcanic island Cryo built specifically for Bronze hasn’t been added yet, so we know what it’s gonna be.
I hope Vetex wasn’t counting sky islands when he said we’d only get one more island in Bronze. It would be such a shame to not have a second Bronze Sky archipelago over the volcano. Imagine how cool it would be to be able to return to the Bronze Sea after getting the glider from Nimbus and unlock a whole new area! Reminds me of metroidvanias like Hollpw Knight.
These islands look absolutely massive compared to the normal sea based ones, I see having the other devs handle the other parts really left Vetex free to cook his master banquet
I hope big explorable islands like this become the norm going forwards because I think it’s probably the best way for Vetex to get the exploration and immersion he wants so much
I completely agree, getting from one end of an island to the other in one dash isn’t exactly immersive.
With flight being added back, we should be able to have way way bigger islands without much issue to travel time.
Nah Skyhall racists gonna give me a reason to run villain
Problem is only only 5 out of 11 classes get access to it. And thats assuming the savant has enough magic.
Yeah it’s weird how strength and weapons won’t be getting some form of long-use mobility option with how big some islands are getting