Slight Jewel Rework

Slight Jewel Rework
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0


Limit the primary stat of jewels to being niche stats such as regen, armor piercing, and resistance

Details/background on your proposal

All this would entail would be limiting the primary stat of jewels to be niche/secondary stat types such as the lvl 100+ stats (regen, AP, resistance), and/or having hybrid jewels have at least one of these “niche” stats. Existing jewels could be completely replaced by these, as to prevent deletion of jewels.

Alternatively, just buff the stats given by jewels with lvl 100+ stats to encourage their usage.

Reason to add/change

There are two main issues that this would address:

  1. Even with the introduction of level 100+ stats, they don’t get a lot of use, partially because they’re slightly unbalanced, but also in part due to the need to sacrifice other stats that have a much wider range of usage in order to build with them. In limiting the usage of jewels to this type of “niche” stat, they begin to see more prevalence in builds.
  2. Right now, jewels solely exist as a “second enchant” to help people minmax their builds more efficiently. If they acted more as a gateway to a separate range of stats, stat builds would gain more variety than the copy-paste power/defense + atk speed/size/agility that a lot of people use.

I doubt this is going to be received well as a result of the change itself, but something along the reasoning of changing jewels to be more oriented towards niche stats is what I’m going for.


I feel like this change vould be good but the initial problem of people having all their jewel stats swapped at what would feel random would kinda suck

nice work system