Small Addition to Warding Potions to Fill a Niche

Small Addition to Warding Potions to Fill a Niche
effort 4.428571428571429 7 quality 4.142857142857143 7 reasonability 4.285714285714286 7


When was the last time you’ve seen somebody use a warding potion to negate insanity?
How many golden petals are sitting in your inventory?
How much would you enjoy being able to fully explore islands that will literally kill you for doing so?

This suggestion aims to both give warding potions a use while also opening up building opprotunities for vetex.
This is a short one.

Warding potions, in addition to their anti-insanity effects should also ward against envrionmental hazards.
(Water corrosion, infection, poison hole poison, campfires, etc)

This would allow builders to create more places just as horrible (in universe) as the poison hole in Thyros or Charon’s Abyss without these places being too harsh for players to realistically want to loot more than once.

It would also make exploring these locations more enjoyable since you would no longer be on a 10 second timer after you entered.


The last time I went into the dark sea (last month)
No petals, since they got brewed


People actually use warding potions? I’ve always just used virtuous warding armor lol

Yeah they’re useful if you wanna temporarily jack up build stats using insanity

I do like the idea of more prevalent and potent hazards on islands so you need to make preparations to be able to explore effectively. I don’t think that having a one size fits all solution in the form of expanding warding potions is the absolute best call, so I’ll share some thoughts on that.

My first thought is a new catalyst that provides defensive benefits against these hazards depending on the reagent used (I specify new catalyst because I wouldn’t want to lose being able to drink poison potions for fun), but then there’s the other reagents like luck - what would they do with the new catalyst? There’s also the matter of overlap between environmental hazards and player effects - what would the potion made to pass through a poison swamp do against a poison player, for example?

Could have new reagents that provide environment-specific protection, but there’s still the disconnect between player poison and environment poison, and item bloat could be an issue. I think this angle could have an interesting gameplay loop though, if you need to brave the hazards to get the reagents, and then go even further to get more potent reagents; a sort of mini-progression for the island.

All that being said, I think this is a great suggestion that would add a great amount of depth to the exploration side of the game. I do think it would be further improved with my ideas, but even just this suggestion alone is worthwhile.


I was thinking of warding specifically as a solution because its in the name, it wards.
As a poison mage, wind magic hard countering half my damage sucks enough without a potion to help with that lol


I think having a system where brewed warding potions will make a large AOE around the player/place it is thrown to make a protective barrier to shield from hazards and even the dark sea.

It can be useful in possibly making clan bases in the dark sea in the future and will also turn some atlantean NPCs into people to work for you in the claimed island. It also leaves the possibility to increase the size of the protection area every time you add more until a cap of 1.3x the island size has reached.

The Atlantean NPCs that has turned back into people could also potentially act as guards if they are high leveled which given how strong they are: should probably be nerfed to at most the current level cap.

But yeah, having workers that are from atlantean origin, being able to have high level guards for your base in the dark sea, potentially having Cured Atlantean Sirens to work for you, would make it possible to make custom clan bases.

The farther out your base is in the dark sea, the safer but also more expensive to make as you need higher quality potions. Perhaps the clan menu can make an UI that helps you navigate to your clan’s dark sea islands.

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I feel like you’re just writing an entire different suggestion at this point.


I’m that person

Me turning my clan base into a land mine where nobody without warding pots can walk without dying:

ehh this seems cool, but it feels like warding already completes its filled purpose: so maybe a new potion?

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I think it’d be better to give existing potions better and more varied uses given that the vast majority of reagents are completely useless.

like last week

Anti-matter, reverses the effect of the Reagent.

Poison? Antidote, makes the player resistant to Poison.
Gale? Stability, Temporarily prevents a player from being knocked around.

now, what about potion effects like Water breathing, Shark Repel, Love, Luck, or Agility?

For potions that have opposites, they change to their counterpart: Agility → Slowness; Clear-sight → blindness; Warding → Insanity; Healing → Harming; Revealing → Invisibility. Naturally working the other way.

As for the rest, we can be funny with them, maybe as a way to obtain this Anti-matter catalyst:


Water breathing turns into Suffocation, which reduces air capacity. Stashes of Anti-Matter could be found in some underwater structures that emit a Suffocation aura.

Shark Bait

Same for Shark Repel, which turns into Bait, luring even more sharks than blood. underwater structures that will be hounded by sharks should somebody swim into them.


Luck turns into Misfortune; Which reduces all luck (Aura V Misfortune potions :skull:). In this case, i guess a fortress that constantly spawns enemies and requires a person to collect 3 of their drops to get a bunch of Anti-matter.


Love turns into Hatred; when applied to others, it makes you only capable of damaging the person/thing that applied it. When applied yourself, prevents you from getting this status. Hatred would counter love, having both will cancel eachother. Imagine a room with a mini-boss, that will spawn a minion that applies Hatred.


Power turns into Weakness, which obviously lower damage. Maybe a dungeon that you have to deal a certain amount of damage in time to recieve rewards.


Iron-skin turns into Fragility, which increases all damage you take, although it also increases speed. Imagine a chamber that constantly barrages traps that you have to run through without dying.


Energy-Regen turns into Drain, which constantly lowers energy. applied in chambers that only stay open based on how much energy you have, the longer you stay with higher energy, the deeper you can go for more rewards.


As for Smoke, it turns into Fog; which allows you to only see nearby yourself (like the ingame variant). I cant imagine much of a chamber for this, except for a maze or something. If this were a high quality poton, it applies fog to the whole map like (like the opposite of clear-sight removing fog)

I imagine all these would be drinkable, but can be put back into a pot as a reagent to transform it into another potion type or something. And just to say, a Tier-V Anti-Potion would be negatively as effective as its positive counterpart: Misfortune-V reduces Luck by the ammount Luck-V increases it.

Obviously, Interchange and Elysium are exceptions, because they always brew into their respective bottle. But imagine getting Permanence and Tartarus Potions lol.

Mystery Potions will immediately apply every negative status

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I feel like this is going way overboard and no longer has anything to do with what I suggested initially.
(also plain and pure status effect resistance potions would absolutely gut several magics)

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yeah it is kind of weird how we have a whole armor stat who’s entire purpose is making you not die when in the dark sea

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and why is that a bad thing? this stat has a purpose, it’s to help survivability in the dark sea, and it creates interesting dynamics where you have to sacrifice other stats to go further

this suggestion doesn’t really change that, it just also makes it a stat that allows you to explore dangerous places outside of the dark sea too without immediately being on a 20 second clock before you keel over.

you’re still sacrifcing stats to negate hazards.

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i think that the point of these environmental hazards is to make it feel like you arent supposed to be there, which contributes to the mystery of the island. if you could just warding your way through them it would kill mystery and also immersion which is important for these secret areas

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Lets take the poison hole for example, you literally die after 10 seconds of entering, that doesn’t add to mystery or immersion, you literally don’t get to explore or loot anything down there, you just die.

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