Small Change to Imbuement Prefixes

Small Change to Imbuement Prefixes
effort 5.0 1 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 5.0 2

imbuements are cool and all, but you know what people REALLY care for? ability names. imbuement prefixes can tend to completely mess up ability names and some people have expressed their overwhelmingly mild frustration over this, seeing as how some of the prefixes are just stupid. “hard”? seriously? that’s the prefix for iron leg? why is the prefix for lightning just “lightning” and not something like “electric” or “shocking”. enough rambling, here’s my proposal to showcase my idea for a way to make imbuement prefixes absolutely epic and cool.

when making a new technique as a warlock, the synonyms for whichever magic(s) you have will be available in the ability name menu. that’s literally it. as for weapon hybrids? i don’t know, maybe make weapons customizable first lol. too lazy to make a ui mockup

edit: imbuement synonyms will just be disabled if the imbuement is turned off, as it already does


I mean,I dont see why not to add this.
Most imbue prefixes sound sooo mid and dont make sense,like strong warlord basic combat imbue makes sense (alltho sounds mid),but boxing (aka intense)?

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sure i prefer that over a separate imbuement prefix list you are forced to use
now thats just more words for us to use if we want

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because boxing is SERIOUSLY INTENSE

takes a bite out of a taki and awakens my inner inferno magic

Not sure how it will work, but yeah, i’d love to see that.
(as well as warlock memory leak fix)

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last reply lets goo (Good iddea vetex adddd this)

While this would probably be a good solution for warlock, having to implement a different system for weapons or just completely neglecting them makes this suggestion kinda counterintuitive to implement.

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