To have a safer spawn location than the hellscape that often times is Ravenna while still being able to move around the map, even if travel times take longer.
Truth be told I enjoy being on Ravenna only slightly more than I enjoy being on Shell Island.
You make that sound like it isn’t a strict negative.
If this happens, you are only going to end up further away from where you actually wanted to be, defeating any QoL value that this change could have.
Sailing has always been the primary incentivized way to move around the map and that wouldn’t change.
The vast majority of profitable things you can do ingame require you to sail.
Bounty hunting, sealed chests, treasure charts, diving spots/structures, cargo runs, attacking ships, nearly everything requires sailing no matter where your starting location is unless you’re really lucky.
This change wouldn’t let you do these things without sailing and you would still need to sail to those future spawn locations in the first place.
If you had your camp set at darkpine and then decided to sail to sailor’s lodge but end up dying around Munera, you’d probably respawn at Ravenna which is closer than darkpine
not gonna quote everything cuz clearly you have your opinion on this and i have mine, and i can definitely see a system like that working if vet wasnt doing so much to prevent fast travelling already. its still his choice in the end and both are fine enough as long as the game is designed around it
i still stand that you shouldnt be so far from where you want to be to the point of being closer to another spawn. ravenna isnt the end of the world, it takes 5 sec to leave (…or 2 min if your boat is spawned but that goes for any island) and it just sounds like the issue is ravenna more so than the spawning system
yes, finally
but i still want there to be some ‘spawnpoint’ mechanic with the taverns, you cant really buy food or drinks from them so i just want some respawn thingy with that for a limited time/uses you can rent a room there (like the red fin/sailors lodge tavern) and for that you pay some money