Small changes to magic ultimate art magic circles

Small changes to magic ultimate art magic circles
effort 3.0 1 quality 3.0 1 reasonability 4.333333333333333 3

I’m not sure how these changes may conflict with lore since they are magic circles. These suggestions are just visual changes and don’t affect any stats.

Ultimate art: blast magic circle changes:
At the current moment when an ultimate art is used a singular large magic circle along with four miniature circles appear upon pressing the skill. I think it would look much better if the large circle appears first and holding down the ability will make the smaller circles appear over the duration of the charge one by one.


Ultimate art: place explosion magic circle:
Now the second part to this suggestion is rather straight forward let us make our placed explosion look like this (maybe not as grand but you get the point).


More rings will appear above the target area the longer you hold the spell.
For self explosions the ring will appear above the casters head instead.


If it isn’t too much difficulty to implement, this sounds pretty cool. I don’t usually pay too much attention to this sort of stuff, but who doesn’t love an overdramatic casting sequence?


yes please


Oh man you understand it perfectly!

I adore this idea and it’s so appealing in media that portray this kind of magic circle orientation.

Would be nice to see something like this come to life in Arcane Odyssey, even if people don’t end up noticing/appreciating the change all that much.:sparkles:



i really like the idea of more circles appearing as you hold but having them appear in this order might look a bit off for the situations where you need to release the spell before charging to max

(either way i voted this would be dope)

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I guess making them fade in all at once but the visibility gets better with each second held could be another way :thinking:

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Basically what Calvus does…
In that case, please make it have some more start-lag since it’s harder to notice

thats a pillar explosion wtf :sob:

I wouldn’t wanna see that in AO or in WoM man…

the wise of metamancers…

also who was that touhou person who had that random laser thing :wires:

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Oh I’m only talking about the circles and its purely visual, dw about meta mancers abusing it :eyes:

I just wished magic circles had more customization both ult and normal, them being locked to casting styles and unlocked all at once is pretty disappointing imo

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agreed, i don’t use mage much but i still think magic circles should get their own menu for customisation


Magic Circle Packs
Possibly buyable magic circle designs for small amounts of Robux.

I think by magic circle design it means buyable designs like the circles from AA and WoM, not customization like show in the suggestion

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it could just get boiled down to “magic circle customization” but i was moreso showing that vetex had thought about circle customization and did have plans, so this wasn’t too far out of the question

idk about that
i feel like most of the time your blast ultimate art would have a big circle and one or two misplaced small circles in asymmetrical locations due to charging it a bit to aim then releasing, which at this point the 5 circles are much better
and personally i dont like the pillar thing but nothing wrong with that, its just preference

Yh, someone already mentioned this (regarding the blast) so I changed it up to maybe make the small circles faded and more visible as you charge it up.

I already know about that, but it doesn’t mean much to me unless he adds a magic circle menu alongside it for the free circles

A magic circle customisation menu would be cool

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