Small Details in Arcane Odyssey

Below, share some little details in the game that you liked that caught your interest.

One detail I took notice of is that Ravenna only sends sailboats further out to sea. Near the mainland, you’ll see Ravenna Ketches and and Caravels but only Sailboats near Palo Town and Frostmill. Whether this is a coincidence or an actual small lore detail idk but I thought it was cool.

Another detail I liked alot is (spoilers kinda) if you have fully upgraded Edward Kenton on your crew before you get captured by Ravenna, he’ll show up with the others when they come save you in the mines.

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Guy sitting on the crane in sailor’s lodge canonically looks like morden
If you talk to him after the story you get the “you look familiar” dialogue option


I love how high levels of insanity mess with your UI. Sending you inbox messages from yourself, making waypoints to nowhere, etc. Really cool.


everyone has talked about this, but that one guys grave that rots over the storyline

When you walk outside in cold areas like Frostmill or Whitesummit, your characters gets little clouds in front of their mouth just like you would get in real life if you breath in the cold

I had a moment of shock when I found that out.

Yea I also noticed this and thought it was cool as hell.

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There are Ravenna logos on Argos’s armor if you look closely. Most noticeable on his pants.

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