Small renown rework

Small renown rework
effort 5.0 3 quality 5.0 3 reasonability 5.0 3

List of various quality-of-life improvements to the neglected renown mechanic:

  • Increase the wanted poster immunity grace period after joining to roughly 30 seconds (or add it if it isn’t already in the game)

  • Have this mechanic apply vise versa, alternatively remove the ability to pick up a player’s poster if they have below 150 k renown if you have above 500 k (and vise versa)

[Anti-teaming section]
(the purpose of these changes are to kill off teaming for profit. Which has been plaguing the game since forever… With the power of basic changes)

  • The cooldown for hunting a player after a successful/failed hunt should be global (nobody can pick up their poster for five minutes)

  • After a successful/failed hunt, everyone who had that individual’s poster should loose it (after that, the five minute global cooldown should apply)

This could be too much effort, but:

  • Kill credit should go to whoever deals the most amount of damage and not the last attack (Kill credit should reset whenever your combat tag expires)


  • Increase the wanted poster immunity grace period after joining to roughly 30 seconds (or add it if it isn’t already in the game)

A: The lack of any on-join cooldown means you are very susceptible to spawncamping. This is obviously quite the issue, since you might not be able to properly fight back (Ex: you are stuck on a server with high ping). Adding / increasing the grace period should then solve this issue.

  • “Have this mechanic apply vise versa, alternatively remove the ability to pick up a player’s poster if they have below 150 k renown if you have above 500 k (and vise versa” (read image above)

B: This mechanic is extremley abuseable as a low-renowned player. You essentially have renown loss immunity while you are still allowed to steal % renown from anybody above 500 k. This means the only genuine way you can get away is by leaving the game, as defeating them will have no consequences on their end. Just making the mechanic apply vise-versa (and possibly increasing the reduction somewhat) solves the issue completely, as then it would be required to have a bare minimum of 150 k renown in order to earn any significant amount from hunting players above the same amount.

[Part 2]

The cooldown for hunting a player after a successful/failed hunt should be global (nobody can pick up their poster for five minutes)

A: The fact this isn’t in the game begs for abuse. The problem is that after somebody hunts you, somebody else can just immediately hunt you straight after. surprisingly this is extremely effective for teaming, as you can keep picking off the same player after they respawn while still getting the full reward. Essentially it allows for spawncamping.

After a successful/failed hunt, everyone who had that individual’s poster should loose it (after that, the five minute global cooldown should apply)

B: Almost the same problem applies. In a ‘gank’ (teaming up against somebody for profit) you can immediately attack them again once they respawn, just letting the other person get the final hit.

Kill credit should go to whoever deals the most amount of damage and not the last attack

C: This would take down multiple birds with the same stone. You would no longer be able to (for example) reset after getting hit by a npc to avoid loosing renown form a successful hunt, and other players can no longer steal kills. This would also make teaming unreliable, as you would somehow need to tell exactly how much damage you have dealt to ensure your ring leader gets kill credit.

I would be happy to get feedback on this. ‘Suprisingly’ balance team gives two middle fingers of care about the state of renown.


hell yeah

Brilliant :clap: hunting should be based on renown, it gives casuals peace of mind while keeping a fair game on for hunting

Being hit by more than 1 opponent should reduce your renown loss by 80%…

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That wouldn’t really work very well in practice…

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This will make everyone’s life easier

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