Small vanity revamp

Small vanity revamp
effort 4.333333333333333 3 quality 4.333333333333333 3 reasonability 4.555555555555555 9

There should be a way of beiung able to select a secondary color for default shirts, this would make customization waaaaay better and lot cooler, mostly for the elegant suit

Examples :

like i said this would expand customization alot more, another example would be this :
You should be able to change both shirt colors the orange and white one in the image

Also maybe add another slot for shirt type armor, like the wanderer’s robes or the sailor’s jacket so you can combine them with actual armor like the titanium gauntlets or anything else like the high marines


this would be so good for so many cosplays bro
yes please

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this would be amazing honestly I like the idea

but also kinda hell to implement? at the very least it would require making individual portions of every shirt in the character creation vanity to be colorable

that or you just want the white shirt to be changeable itself which is simplish enough

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omg yes omg yes omg yes omg YES

nah, even worse, since roblox clothes utilize a single image, thered have to be individual textures for every combination of colors

that being said, itd be a great thing to have ingame, just not very reasonable

however a shirt slot would be great and could easily be worked into the extra vanity gamepass considering that theres an open space for a 3rd slot

in theory you could split every section into their own decals to mix and match

but still heck

right, forgot about that, though decals also have their own lighting so itd make the clothes shiny

and an individual texture for each face of the clothing item multiplied by how many parts it is isnt much better either

Another example like Merlot having a dark red suit with black shirt in the inside with dark red tie, smth like that for example

We need more hairstyles and beard for vanity ngl

Like my how my old Arcane Reborn character looked like

better beard and hair

How about armor?

This one seems possible due to most of AO items recolor are using a decal overlays on them, maybe putting an overlay inside of a shirt is possible

Yes a nice cosplay feature, I’ve thought about it before but since it’s not a game changer perhaps it might be added after the full game is done?
Anyways u have my vote

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