this is what i got, musgravite smoke size or clouds last if thats a thing (ash poison mage, 3rd maybe shadow for blind)
if you want max cloud size, then you have to invest a bunch into intensity
so you can use something like argos’ armour and stuff

where are the stats, why do you only have attack speed, 1k health and no damage will make you suffer even in bronze sea, not gonna even mention nimbus with its lvl 260 gun aimbot 600 dmg axe throw ultimate leap npcs
get AT LEAST 1500 health total and 70 power
yeah that
no intensity is being changed to be jewel effects thats why there is no intensity.
As for power there is none because most the damage will be from smoke, and poison/ash don’t do too much impact damage either.
as for health i guess i will use armored enchants or frozen defense amulet or armored
Just get full sunken warrior : D
If you want to use this maniac build, using all larimar and replacing two of the brisk scrolls with enhanced gives you roughly the same attack speed (+40%) and a good chunk of intensity (+45%)
If you want to take advantage of the warding, you can bump yourself up to 808 defense by sacrificing some intensity (4% loss) and speed (less than 1% loss, negligible)
805 efficiency points, clearly this is a busted build
Not everyone can afford sw
I hear that intensity is gonna change to reduce cooldowns, so Idk about using intensity
one, i didn’t know you could still use insanity on theurgist
two, again the intensity is being changed
three, this is why im going to use musgravite
so my current one ends up like this
or using some of your stuff like this
i want that speed so i can 20 beam fast, but i can substitute one gem for the atlantean ones ig
it’ll happen in 2 years who care…
Though, that makes sense then. Heavily invest into attack speed to allow for you to rapidly conjure clouds with beams or placed explosions, and rely on musgravite for the soon-to-be intensity effect reagent
You also wouldn’t need the candeleria on the pants since they don’t have insanity on them, which frees up a slot for musgravite
It was meant to be sarcastic 'cause it’d take tens of hours to get that set without selling both kidneys if trying to trade for it, but that doesn’t communicate well over text
whoops i put wrong button. lets hope its not 2 years
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