Snare Spell

Snare spell sounds like a counter, think about it.
A trap to catch animals. This could be like a counter blast or something.
But then again this sounds fucking stupid and hard to implement so it might be something else.
We’ll see.

if i had to guess id say its probably some kind of grab or maybe placeable trap spell that gets the person stuck in place for a bit?

Maybe like that shadow move from aa

“Hol up, lemme bust out some tunes!”
Plays a lightning guitar

My theories for what snare could be:

  1. Like the name suggests, a trap. I feel like this one isn’t too likely and feels more like it should be a rare/lost spell imo though rather than a basic spell.

  2. A sudden kind of burst-like attack. Maybe in reference to the music instrument or something? I kinda see it like how fire palm looks in DW

  3. Some sort of weird tiny blast that explodes midway when flying through the air. Not in reference to anything, I just feel like the word “snare” gives that vibe

It must be a trap or grab imo. A trap would limit the opponents mobility which is a good replacement for mobility. A grab would be extra mobility while also still maybe counting as a “snare” since you could use your magic around the enemy’s legs and then hit them with attacks as the grab animation

Explosion traps are just landmines

glass traps are just tiny little shards on the ground that shred your feet to oblivion if you touch even one.

imagine fight with trap in the island capturing battle

island just covered in landmines

I do wonder what its customization would be, smaller traps = longer stun or the trap stays for longer? Different options of what the trap does like if it just stuns, damages, etc. Create multiple traps which makes them smaller and reduces its effect?

Also can somebody tell me what the average time of making each Fighting Styles Technique was? Ik Snare would take longer due to visuals but I just wanna know a minimum

probably the larger traps deal less damage while the smaller traps deal more. A lot like placed explosions.

Woah a new basic spell
That means vetex probably is going to do lost spells before awakenings then

They’ll probably be worked on concurrently

is breathe attack a thing ?

for dragons yes. not for people

nah im fr bc I heard some guy on yt saying there is an breathe attack spell or something

this aint about snare spell :skull:

That’s from a really long time ago when WoM was planned to have Master spells and Maker spells, such as breath attacks and rush attacks

Wait didnt Vetex say that the move replacing hover was a mobility?
Maybe its like a grappling hook using your magic, pulling you towards your target

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