Snow is bad and I don’t like that

Hello, I’m somewhat familiar with this game, and theres one magic that just has been bugging me lately that i want to see get a buff and thats snow magic.

Snow is sorta like if ice and sand had a baby, however for some reason it was weakened significantly from birth due to unknown reasons. Like, its speed isn’t even average, and its damage is mediocre, the main issue is that snow doesn’t excel at anything, its not big like ash, its not powerful like iron, its not even fast, for a magic thats supposed to be a speedy ice, honestly this thing really deserves a size or speed buff in my opinion if it wants to be good, and the only synergy it does have, aka ice or wind, can actually be bad as it does 60% LESS damage to frozen targets. Ouch.

This magic honestly has some potential and its such a shame to see it not be put in the game, if vetex is reading this, please at least give it a thought.

Well, cya gamers, generic dude out.

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Snow vs. Ice

  • Snow is 25% faster with average speed
  • Snow and Ice are the same size
  • Snow and Ice do the same damage
  • Ice has slightly better interactions
  • Snow has significantly higher clears tied with Water

Fun fact, Snow and Wind don’t remove frozen like Ice does so 2 wind blasts on a frozen target (-40%) is higher damage than an ice blast on the same target

Ice doesn’t remove frozen, point still fairly stands that them escaping would make wind better.(Unless they’re a noob who doesn’t know how to)

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The speed IS average, the average is around .97 (might be higher since plasma got a .1 buff), while snow has 1.

It does actually have strengths, believe it or not. It can get rid of all negative heat effects simply by charging for a second, that’s pretty important since those are popular magics. The only other magic that can do that is water, not even ice can. Yeah, the damage and speed are low, but the speed is still an improvement of ice which is 20% slower than snow and just as strong. It might be better than ice when second magics come out because of that, but it’s up for debate.

Snow is mainly a defensive magic, like magma. Snow piles are useless, but vetex likely isn’t going to leave them like that forever.

Yo wut-


Wow, i never knew that

Snow is actually good?

So ideally you’re saying a build with more health over offense is better?

Snow is average, Ice is worse

It excels in clears

Ice will be more useful when there’s more weapon mains since Ice clears bleed but nobody uses weapons rn making snow near strictly better.

It is worse than sand until we get 2nd magics though(Which is next update)

Well its not bad so good thing i picked it lol

Wait can it clear corrode?

yeah, acid is heat

Kk thanks!

praying that snow can clear bleed too as a buff

Ice has funny platforms so it instantly puts it in the SSS tier



Snow+Ice actually also freezes if you really want to clear bleed and still get the Ice frozen buff

But Snow+Ice won’t clear crystalized and poisoned

True true

Is wind also a good synergy?

Wait crystallised isnt put in yet is it?

Wind is the better synergy since it removes poisoned and is fast af.

It’s already in the Test Universe, coming next update

Ooooooh i have a crystal alt hype man :grimacing::star_struck:

Emerald splash time

a meme because I’m an ice user