Snow Some Respect

sand is a good underrated balanced magic, it became slightly more popular after i came and convinced everyone it was good. I’m trying to do the same here with snow
most people now agree that sand is good, the same people tend to shit on snow despite it being only slightly worse
synergies are not relevant enough to make or break a magic
snow is good.

so snow is basically just plasma? (both deal slightly less damage than the better versions but move just a tiny bit faster)

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yes except snow isn’t shit


snow is still outclassed in every manner that matters by sand

it still isn’t shit

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Snow is bad

Fire is the best magic in the game.


Get your shitty opinion off my topic


Nope. Wont be elaborating any further either

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snow is decent in stats, but honestly…

just use the magics you have fun with
no point in not using a fun magic just because it has mediocre stats


my man is really trying to defend snow magic smh :man_facepalming:



ya see this???

this single thing???

this thing is called ice magic.

and ice is literally better than snow in EVERY SINGLE WAY

the only thing that snow excels in compared to ice is in speed, ice is a lot more slow than snow, but that speed really is not worth it when we move on down the reasons why snow is so bad and outclassed:

look at how snow behaves with frozen:

sure, it deals 25% more damage upon freezing a target but, it becomes worthless after that.

now let’s see how ice fares with frozen:
wow, just, wow.

also, since ice can’t really use freezing to create frozen since it applies freezing on it’s own, let’s look at how it interacts with water compared to snow:


10% more, alright, that’s cool, but…


that’s literally 15% more damage, and it does the exact same thing.

now let’s compare the two magics in terms of clashing, (disclaimer this might be outdated but I don’t think magic clashing has changed really so eh whatever correct me if I am wrong here)

ice clash rates

1.5x clash advantage against Water Magic
1.4x clash advantage against Wind Magic
1.4x clash advantage against Glass Magic
1.2x clash advantage against Snow Magic
1.1x clash advantage against Light Magic
1.1x clash advantage against Sand Magic
1.1x clash advantage against Poison Magic
1.05x clash advantage against Ash Magic
Clashes neutrally against Acid Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Shadow Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Plasma Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal Magic
0.85x clash disadvantage against Wood Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Lightning Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Explosion Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth Magic
0.75x clash disadvantage against Fire Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Metal Magic
0.5x clash disadvantage against Magma Magic

Snow clash rates

1.3x clash advantage against Shadow Magic
1.3x clash advantage against Light Magic
1.2x clash advantage against Poison Magic
1.1x clash advantage against Water Magic
Clashes neutrally against Lightning Magic
Clashes neutrally against Sand Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Glass Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Wood Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Acid Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Ice Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Ash Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Fire Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Earth Magic
0.6x clash disadvantage against Metal Magic
0.6x clash disadvantage against Plasma Magic
0.5x clash disadvantage against Wind Magic
0.5x clash disadvantage against Magma Magic

if you don’t wanna read those, basically, ice wins against 8 different magics, while snow only wins against HALF of that amount.

and as for sand magic:

this is very strong in terms of damage, sure it’s somewhat sluggish but it’s not awful and it’s only slower by .5, in exchange for an extra .50 more damage.

also sand has a bleed synergy as well (something snow lacks):

even though it’s not too impressive, it does still actually do more damage, which is instantly better than snow.

as for clash rates:

sand clash rates

1.3x clash advantage against Light Magic
1.3x clash advantage against Shadow Magic
1.2x clash advantage against Wind Magic
1.2x clash advantage against Poison Magic
1.15x clash advantage against Ash Magic
1.1x clash advantage against Fire Magic
Clashes neutrally against Plasma Magic
Clashes neutrally against Snow Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Wood Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Water Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Ice Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Glass Magic
0.9x clash disadvantage against Crystal Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Acid Magic
0.8x clash disadvantage against Earth Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Explosion Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Lightning Magic
0.7x clash disadvantage against Metal Magic
0.6x clash disadvantage against Magma Magic

sand also beats snow, by having an advantage against 6 magics, compared to snow’s measly 4.

I feel like I may have missed some things but if you point them out I most likely could counterargue them anyways, point is, snow is awful, and it’s somewhat deserving of the disrespect considering how much of a fucking joke this magic is, which trust me, really pains me, because snow is a really cool looking magic design wise.

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wow almost missed this

man quite literally in his own words said snow is worse than sand.

okay bye now I’ll respond to feedback uhh…

idk lol I need a break from this hellhole

see y’all in like, the future

WIKI is’nt getting updated these days + its WOM wiki, we are working on creating AO wiki with all info.

Wrong, it has .05 extra dmg

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snow does x0.925

sand is x0.975

that’s definitely not a 0.05 difference


bro a this point there is gonna be a forum best magics war :rofl:

Do you know maths ?

it definitely is

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