So how do i get max Magic Speed and Max Casting speed?

what exactly is the set i need to accomplish either of these, does anyone know?

I’m trying to do keen/defense, but I don’t know any shirt or pants that give a base stat of keen. I only have the hat

Use a dull Casting Speed amulet and a dull Magic Speed amulet and a Fur Hood. That should make you set for both stats.

What about the shirts and pants

Just your preference since there aren’t any that give magic/casting speed as of right now.

I want machine gun gold meta

this is the highest ik rn for magic speed and for casting speed i do have a post that shows 71 casting speed (89 being the max with +16 from either iron or merc armor if you like agilityor defence)

casting speed items:
Keen dull and poor casting amulet
keen canvas hat
and keen iron or merc armor for agility or defence