“hmm yes today I will create a monster haha”
btw the leftest head is named carl.
don’t know why.
but it’s carl
I am looking at this and I just see a hydra with synth and protogen heads and then just Carl
Nice, looks great
(truth is i ran out of ideas so i slapped a roblox head and was like “okay why not lol”)
be nice to carl he’s special
Oh, when I read the title I thought you were talking about me
okay is it just me or does my coloring feel… rough…
like I used the paintbucket but…
wait no it’s not that
smh I even used correction
What is this monster called?
no idea what that stands for.
Hellish Youth-eating Demonic Rampaging Abomination
nah too cheesy
doesn’t sound like some kind of technical acronym ya know.
It was joke.
it kinda looks like a doodle world monster but high res tbh
I have no idea what you are talking about but okay.
since when did you become a furry
idk i wouldn’t call myself one but drawing furry heads looks and is more fun than regular heads
it is also harder and helps practice perspective since snouts and stuff are 3d, unlike flat human or similar heads