So @jubileesucks got the ban hammer


reminder that i wasnt the one to give the 3 month silence
i didnt even ask for it

but why did they get suspended

because she kept bitching and vetex came in

They were chill though


Sure they were sometimes cringe at times but most of the time they were chill. Most of their things were shitposting and I don’t really see why someone would get suspended for that.

every response back was harsh with insults on how we’re crybabies ruining their fun

They weren’t that bad

oh please

wydm. All they did was shitposting and mild toxicity. They weren’t that bad like some other banned users.

mild toxicity? no
that shit was nasty

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The only problem i had with them was spamming the N word in discord forum party chat. Other than that they were pretty nice

to you i guess
see the issue?


they were nice to you
they are not nice to like 90% of others here

Many people liked them

forums hivemind


how about you shut the fuck up

y’all are sad jubilee left but worry not, for i have solution
join the forums party which has almost all of the known banned forumers including our beloved jubi!!!

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