So @jubileesucks got the ban hammer

Destruction is instantly upon you…

I don’t like all the banned users tho

then don’t join country human liker smh

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i do not fear death, i embrace it
if i must meet jubi’s fate so be it :fr:

ban speedrun? I will say the N word sooooo fast

Julibee already invited me

he what.

2 minute late
Stupid ass nintendo>:((((

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They did

She invited you as a meme because they were talking about country humans. And it’s best you don’t say anything cause you definitely don’t know the full story.

You can’t just look at this from your perspective cause she did some not good stuff.

even jubileee herself said she deserved the ban…
a lot of people misunderstood the initial post about this (mine) as some “UNBAN JUBI” post.
i was literally just posting a meme poking fun at the situation, i already knew they deserved it considering they kinda spam the n word constantly in our discord server

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I barley knew this person

Oh. But why shouldn’t i know the full story,just wondering.

Never said you should not, I just said you don’t.

mate, stop defending jubileee, this situation is over.
jubileee said she deserved the ban, and i agree. the mods provided sufficient proof.

I feel like that omen or element gonna get banned first lol

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Oh okay


