So @jubileesucks got the ban hammer

noob it’s >:( not ):<

If i did >:( it just did auto emoji >:(

yeah well how about you auto my balls

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I feel like it would be omen ngl elment has been here for a while

Idk man you just act a little “rude”

I have been here longer >:(


I have regular

I’m saying I joined before him. I have only been active for the past month.

You still don’t have regular

i’ll be honest bro having regular on the forums rn is not really an accomplishment

true. I want seasoned writer.
need to get more chapters out.

at least that’s gonna cover up your “regular” title so you don’t look dumb



Someone who joined before you and got suspended for 3 months.

i just took off my regular title lol

Man, I’ve never seen someone be sarcastic and talk about their twitter in the same sentence. The more you know

I’m immune to being banned


i’d cry if you were banned