Ah yes. I missed when I have to sail across the sea to get to another isle
I remember when a shark is trying to eat you when you stay in the water for too as well.
So instead of a shark that tries to get you every time, you fell off the ship which is annoying as hell.
We should have a sea monster that tries to attack your ship instead.
Now hold your hand before you trying to report this an off-topic post
Look, there is a cannon system planned to add into the game after the ship finishes and nobody gonna use it to shoot other ships.
Sea beast/sea monster is a boss that randomly spawns in the sea when more than 1 big ship in the water(seawater of cause) it is weaker than the exile and the Minotaur.
After being defeated, a big chest spawn over the spot monster dies. The chest contains the random item and has a small chance to get the sunken item
(Sorry for bad english)