So, the new lore has a huge gaping issue

In old lore, Prometheus gave humans magic instead of fire, which they supposedly already had. The magic slowed down development of humanity, due to inventions being less needed.
In new lore, at 1. A.D., Prometheus came to Athens to give humans both magic and fire.
Which means that humanity wasn’t able to harness fire up until then.
This is an incredibly huge plot hole. One so big, the entire universe cannot work. In our timeline, fire was extremely important as the invention of cooking meat gave humans more energy. Their brains developed much better, and due to them using hands more often after standing up, a connection in the brain allowed us to develop languages. Of course, this is greatly sped up and a very rough picture, but you get the point.
This happened thousands of years ago, and because it happened, humanity’s survival was made easier.
Fire basically let us create civilization.
But in the new lore, humanity gets fire thousands of years later than in our timeline. Which means that civilizations as we know them couldn’t have gotten to exist.
Despite magic supposedly slowing inventions down, if humans only received fire in 1. A.D., then there is a huge developmental leap.
Vetex, what the fuck is this dumpster fire.

Prometheus gave humans fire much earlier. He gained the ability to grant magic by stealing it from Hecate after being freed from his punishment for giving humans fire in the first place.

Oh thank god I already thought the lore was cooked
I feel like the lore was far better when it was its own universe with Greek deities, not when Vetex made a dysfunctional hybrid child between Greek mythology and our world


Greek mythology was always supposed to take place in our world?

Also genuinely where did you get the idea that Prometheus gave them both at the same time, cause like as far as I’m aware that was never the case.


Bluefighter always goes on rants about stuff he’s wrong about anyway it’s funny


this plot hole exists in greek mythology too.
how did humans survive without fire.

i think in some iterations, humanity already had fire, Zeus took it away after Prometheus tricked him into accepting shittier sacrifices from humans, but then Prometheus gave fire back to the humans and was punished

Same way they did without women up until then I guess. That said I’m like pretty sure this is like extremely early for humanity here at least as far as the authors of the myths understood. Like humanity had just been made not that long beforehand.

Yeah so I think since it doesn’t say when fire is given and only when magic is given its not the biggest issue. I guess it can lead to confusion but I would assume fire is given to humans the same time as it is in the original story and magic is at a later date. Mind you, “Prometheus had given humans the gift of fire as well during this time, and was punished by Zeus by being chained to a rock for many years, exactly how it had happened in Greek Mythology.”", key words being “exactly how it happened in greek mythology”

Yeah part of it is definitely written in a way that does sorta make it sound like he gave them magic at the same time, but like you said that line about how it happened exactly like it did in Greek Mythology basically proves that it wasn’t at the same time. And that’s just ignoring the fact that Prometheus was chained to a rock for a while before he could give magic to humanity anyways.

Was it then when Prometheus had his first magician’s performance that War ages ended?

Yeah but to them the world was made from chaos, there was never any creation
And they also had the protogenoi before titans
I’m not even sure if Arcane universe was made via big bang or chaos and creation having a jolly night or something

I really don’t see how this is an issue, like why is it being an altered version of greek mythology a problem? Why would it not be able to take place on earth just because it’s not exactly the same as actual greek mythology?

Well, for example
We don’t know if history of the earth is same
If yes, then were gods all alone for the first 4 billion-ish years before homo sapiens ever appeared?
How did mythological beings come to be? Surely a manticore wasn’t born after a scorpion crawled up the netherlands of a lioness
It is basically a time traveler moving a chair thing, especially since we’re working with 4.6 billion years

Most of that is basically irrelevant. You don’t really need to know specifics of how the certain came to be to get the story. The only information that’s actually necessary is the stuff that leads into the events of the narrative. Anything else, while possibly interesting, isn’t needed for the story and either you can think of one of the obvious solutions yourself, like chaos and creation or the gods created mythological creatures, or just leave it up to mystery. Either way it has no bearing on the story and it doesn’t suffer with those things unexplained. I’m sorry but this just seems like a kinda pointless thing to get hung up on.

i assume humans came to be the same way there were in actual greek myth, made out of mud

i thought they were made of clay but same difference