So, what kind of pirate stuff did Cursebeard, Trigno, Averill and etc. do?

nerd47 moment incoming
I don’t know whether this should be Game Discussion or Off-topic, but here we go.

So, all of these guys are pirates, right? Big bounty from the Arcane Government, really cool ship names, while being literal curse users and in Cursebeard’s case, having a literal god as a friend.
I get that Arcane Adventures is a game, and doesn’t replicate actual historical pirates, because why would it, but I was looking through Youtube today and came across two videos. About pirates. I watched them and thought “Hey, I want to start a discussion about this.”
I don’t actually know what the point of the discussion is, I just want to see what people think these characters do that conforms or varies from these videos.

With that said, here they are. Watch them if you want, if not… shit.

(I imagine that the branding part is made a lot easier due to the power gap between curse users and normal sailors being a lot wider than a normal-ass pirate captain and a normal sailor.)

also i haven’t actually played AA and have only played AR, and i haven’t scorned the AR wiki for ALL of the lore because i simply don’t feel like it

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I don’t really know the full pirate backstories of each and every one of these guys but I do know a sliver of info about Cursebeard.

He’s basically a big shot pirate, the only info about him doing pirate stuff is the raid of the merchant ship The Borealis, known to be indestructible and colossal in size (like, really freaking huge) it’s reputation for being nigh indestructible was destroyed by Cursebeard, captain of the one-shot pirates. After the raid he took all the treasure the Borealis had to offer and left the renowned ship to rot in time. This is also a huge contribution to his treasure.

Edit: oh yeah i didn’t watch the vids so sorry if this isn’t what you meant lol

*One Shot Pirate

What god was friends with Cursebeard…?

poseidon i’m pretty sure

They’re less like actual pirates and more like the One Piece pirates:

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alright, i guess i’ll read into this then

edit: ah. so that’s where these come from.


so, they’re less “We are going to either scare you or brutalize you into giving us all of your money for our business” (though they can be) and moreso people who just do what they want with something like “We are aware of the law. We just don’t give a damn.”

oh, so maybe the first one

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I think I remember something about that, and I’m pretty sure it was just a crewmate named Poseidon. Cursebeard raided Mount Olympus and killed many of the gods, there’s no reason Poseidon would be friendly with someone who killed most of his family.

Yep, they’re more like hobos by will.

its the god, its why poseidon mentions “the strongest human who ever lived” when you get your awakening

well cursebeard was an actual pirate who just started a cool pirate town, he did stuff like sink the borealis with his fleet (money agagagagaga)

trigno and averill were sorta pirates (there’s a fuckin reason why their bounty is so high) since they just randomly attack ships that come by, but they also were less “we’re gonna scare the shit out of you and if you don’t give us your money we’ll be literally ripping the shit out of you” and instead just didn’t care for laws

basically the government hates them because they do not pay taxes

It’s basically just that in a nutshell

My mistake. But why did he join Cursebeard?

I know Prometheus did a hostile takeover of Olympus and killed Zeus, and Cursebeard killed Prometheus. But Cursebeard killed a lot of gods during his assault.

Or Prometheus just killed everyone that didn’t escape and Cursebeard came in and killed only him.

no clue honestly

That was another crewmate named Apollo, Poseidon was the actual god

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