So who would like to see this

E-fucking-xactly thats why you get more speed so your not complaining about how big you are.

sounds dumb. gamepasses shouldnt mess with stats/hitboxes

The point of the gamepass is to become a giant.

then the point of the gamepass is bad

if it wasnt some suggested to be behind a paywall, i would agree to this if it had speifics on balancing, but if it makes you bigger and changes mobility and is behind a paywall it wouldnt really make sense since AO is only planned to have cosmetic gamepasses (apart from that one gamepass for EXP i think but levels are fairly easy to get so its kinda pointless)

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Because you think being a giant is dumb? you could have said nothing because you said to balance it but didn’t come up with a better idea.

The point is to be cosmetic it dosn’t give extra dmg but I don’t wanna pay for something that will hinder me in pvp.

Also I wanna give Vetex a way to make money off the game that isnt a paywall.

or you could not make it a gp and make it an actual race?
you could probably balance it by making it have weaker magic but greater physical abilities but that would probably cause some balancing issues

Exactly I want it to just be a bigger human but not have the hindrance of being sluggish because I hate it when games make giants slower.

what do you mean paywall?
this being a gamepass that gives a boost in mobility and changes size is just a cosmetic that changes your gameplay fighting wise which i would call some kind of paywall, yet you sound like it isnt

If you don’t have that then your paying to get your ass beat in pvp.

Also this effect would only boost your base stats and wouldn’t scale with agility armor.

but still, you can always just make it just free
having it as a gamepass is pretty pointless if it’s just ‘‘me big and is a bit fast’’
personally, if it wasnt a gamepass, i would approve of it
but because it’s behind a paywall and changes your gameplay fighting-wise, i genuinely dont think it suits the game

So you think it should be a normal race.
The point of the gamepass is to also keep the race being rare a concept. If everyone chooses Vastus then it ruins the point of them being a rare race.
Idk maybe if there was a better way other than rng. maybe some secret place that allows you to make a vastus character or turn your character into a vastus permanently for a certain amount of crowns or a quest.

No thanks, I don’t want to fight obese Sonics

While the idea of being part Vastus does interest me, lots of issues arise from that. First off, if it ever did/does become a thing, locking such a feature behind a paywall would not be the way to go about adding it.

I don’t really know how one would be part-Vastus, let alone how PvP would be balanced for those that are. I have a few ideas, but they’d need to be more thoughtout.

Of course, it being added would be assuming that the lore isn’t scuffed in the process. Honestly after some more thinking, it’s likely better that this never does become a thing. Just doesn’t seem worth the balancing and other issues in my own opinion.

This would cause all kinds of lore issues, such as where you truly came from compared to normal characters, where the Vastus are, how you got your Vastus blood, plus where the Vastus live. Interesting idea, but it’d be hard to work around the lore issues.

Also stats.

Stats, to me, would be the main issue. Lore could likely be more easily changed than trying to find a fair way to balance stats.

Nah, that would fuck up the map compared to the player by size
