Soll Clan

Soll is the clan I’m making for AO and AL

this will get closed


Almost reminded me of Dimentio from SPM, man I miss that game… :frcryin:

What’s SPM?

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And what’s dimentio

no advertising


Ok sorry

dimentio, super paper mario

honestly i cant wait for clan ads to open back up to see everyone’s ideas

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randoms do not steal the name suncry challenge

They are open I just made one?

nah the clan ads category is closed rn ur not supposed to be advertising

there was no advertising here actually, as he only stated that the guild exists, not that he’s looking for members :thinking:


iuayo !!!

cool logo

He already knows your not allowed to, even if they close it anyone who opens the topic can still click on the discord so it doesn’t matter if they close it

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since when did suncry copyright every single sun-related name in existence

And then they close the guild category until AO releases :skull:

:nerd_face::nerd_face: :nerd_face: