Some ancient Roblox website screenshots I have

So I’m going through some of my really old computer files and found some screenshots of the ROBLOX website that I had taken ~10+ years ago. Figured I’d share them here since this is basically the only place where I can talk about ROBLOX besides my household.

The very old profile page complete with the old look for the badges

Another view of the profile page but with statistics shown

Here’s the old robux-tix exchange, as a 10/11 year old I had no clue how to use it

The old games page, here’s what the landscape for games was like 9 to 11 years ago. Having 1k+ players was quite a lot back then, just to compare it to how some games have 100x that amount

Another, later view of the games page (when doge was the hottest meme off the press). Main thing I was to point out here is how ROBLOX used to change the website to fit a holiday, in this case Halloween

Yet another games page screenshot, same website layout as the previous one and yet again you can see that ROBLOX changed the website for a holiday, Christmas in this case

Moving away from the games page we have a screenshot of a clothing item. Main thing here is another holiday decoration, this time for Thanksgiving (also that ad is… something else)

This final screenshot is probably the oldest one, bask in the glory of this classic ROBLOX website format. Honestly it was clean as hell imo

Now besides going on a nostalgia trip, these screenshots hammered home that I really don’t like the current ROBLOX website aesthetic. In my opinion it’s far too sterile and soulless, especially since it’s a platform targeted towards kids. Nothing grabs my eye and it’s honestly boring to look at. Granted, I do have rose-tinted glasses on because I grew up with the old website layouts.

So I want to bring up this question to the beautiful people of the forums - especially those of you who did not grow up with these website formats and thus don’t have nostalgia glasses on - how do you personally feel about aesthetic of the current ROBLOX website compared to the aesthetics shown in the above screenshots? Better? Worse? Have I become an old man who says that things were better back in the day? Lemme know, I’m genuinely curious!

Edit: Added a poll, dunno why I didn’t yesterday:

Which ROBLOX website aesthetic do you like better?
  • Modern ROBLOX Website Aesthetic
  • Older ROBLOX Website Aesthetic(s)
  • Dnc as long as it works

0 voters


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Damn that Roblox website format is probably older than many forumers :skull:

It’s 2 months older than me.

I was 3 months old in that screenshot lol
Also I agree with the home page being too sterile now. Even the classic logo was changed to be more minimalistic and it’s upsetting.

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holy fuck the memories

Although the game we have today is better overall I have to admit that the community was more tight-knit and more friendly back then because of how niche it was. And the fact that the roblox forums weren’t a distant memory

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I believe the reason as to why the Roblox webpage seems more boring now is due to the increased want in a more cleaner graphic design. Even within recent Roblox games, the graphics seems to be more important than the game mechanics itself, which is a bit weird.

Also this is better than the Cheez-It cracker we have now


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Definitely agreed, building off what you and ThatAsianInTheCorner said, I feel that as Roblox grew and entered the spotlight, they tried to change their website and branding to be more marketable to all ages and maybe even investors.

But that’s so weird to me that they went so far in removing any fun aspects from their aesthetic cause Roblox is and always will be a kids game (doesn’t mean that teens and adults can’t play it ofc). I mean I’m a grown adult and I don’t go on Roblox to be impressed at how clean and efficient their website is, I go on to (try to) have fun.

Granted, most kids and people probably aren’t going to look at the website layout for fun. But I do feel like adding SOME color (c’mon Roblox, even some red or blue for god’s sake) would make it more enjoyable.

Oh man don’t even get me started on them changing the logo, the website stuff is understandable to a degree, but that logo design is just… :face_vomiting:

Hopefully that concludes my Roblox boomer ranting

Also I added a poll so people can just vote on it lol

well i like an older version of roblox’s website better, but not this version
i like the 2014 website (NOT biased just because that was when i started playing)

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Just to add on, I found this image of 2018 Roblox from google and it’s basically the current one but with some color still and in my opinion it looks way less boring than now

I feel like this was streamlined and minimalist enough, dunno why they went and took out what little color there was and just made it white and dark gray


Better it was.