Some more Kits And Kills Polls

Dark Arena

Light Arena

which arena theme/color
  • Dark Arena
  • Light Arena

0 voters

In my last Kits And Kills poll, there was a tie between these 3:
when theres a tie
I decided to ask this question again but leaving out [Not Visible + can’t take damage]
Refer to this post with the poll

  • not visible + take 5% of normal damage
  • visible + take 5% of normal damage
  • visible + can’t take damage

0 voters

Announcement/Kit Competition

After Aether Overdrive is finished, I might make a kit suggesting competition. At least 4 winners will be picked and have their kit added to the game. I don’t think I’ll be able to release the game by June, and I want to release the game when there is at least 5 kits.

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