Some random town and wilderness area

Made this a while back and still working on it! Yes, this is based off World of Magic.


That seems like lots of time put into this worcc. Very cool and good.

thank you!

put this decal somewhere on the map



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tell me your lighting settings… and also post processing effects…

i dont use fancy graphics but i try to make it look nice.
i use 21 rendering which makes it look flashier

You may have misunderstood what I meant, I’m talking about the settings in the Lighting service, along with post processing effects, such as bloom or blur

I would like to know what the settings are for these, if you don’t mind

Oh, sorry. I apologise.
Screenshot (14)
heres for the lighting. Shadowmap is the technology. I’ll get the bloom and stuff, hold on

You know the feeling when you go home by a different route, and despite everything around you is known to you, you still feel like something is wrong?

Yeah…wom and this image…

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do u have discord? i would love to talk more abt ur worldbuilding, i really wanna know more, im a lore nerd

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Sorry for not replying, but yes! I do have discord! My name is _squirrelflight, i’m also in the arthub discord. hmu if you want some lore bombs!!

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