Some rules for off topic presidency

We need some rules because now macrobe, former empress has resigned.

I suggest -
1.Holding a time period for next election
2. A person can’t be a president in two continous elections
3. Stop bullying the president because they’ve been voted by YOU in a majority. If there’s like a close call between two president stop acting like the supporters of a certain ex-president of america are acting and accept it.
4. Max number of times you can be president is 3
Now we all debate and add more rules below -

Alright after reading the replies nothing about rules came up just some random stuff. The election format will stay same. Some people contest for the thing the election 60 votes means over unless landslide.

For ex - For January I am the president, In February I can’t contest but I can again in March and I win again in May if I win I can’t contest in elections anymore.

Edit - This topic is cringe but at the time of posting it wasn’t so¯_(ツ)_/¯

It kind of seems like there weren’t any laws put in place before the election. Macobre was given the presidency, along with unspecified power. Thus, Macobre can just veto any changes to the rules.

This is why we have parliament, we need some way for the president to not get bullied while at the same time making sure they don’t go crazy, also lawyers, we are going to need lots of those

Or we could ditch the entire thing, cuz it’s kinda cringe ngl…


Announce this bc I was literally asleep when it happened

More politics and law and formalities definitely won’t help

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Artists votes are divided on half since artists are op

ugh at this point can someone just overthrow the forum?

this so stupid.

we need more then just a president, thats too much power for 1 person. we need congress too.

edit: actually nvm this whole thing is idiotic please stop.

Politics are dumb but whatever


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Dont we have moderators and staff already as leaders of this forum though.

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Vetos can’t exist because no power was given in the first place

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