Some weird questions about becoming a content creator + worries

the worst thing you’ve said is “go kill yourself”
i could say something 10x worse and no one would care

well thanks for giving me advice guys :stuck_out_tongue:

also what should I name my channel? or idk what should my online personality name be?

bro @DRobinHood how are you so based? Where did you get the fax potion from?

Im canadian.

chug 420 liters of maple syrup everyday for 16 years and you too can become based

and diabetic


I chug this for my brain :smiley:

I am losing my sanity please help me :smiley: :ok_hand:

go on discord and sexually harass anyone who talks like theyre 13 or younger this will assure nothing will happen to you if you do get famous trust

can confirm

Wikis are more stupid then the base community. Just look at wom wiki

Well the mods banned the word but yeah

i stg compared to most fandoms this place is an extra holy sunday school

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this goes so hard :weary:

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Depends ENTIRELY on the community you’re in. You REALLY have to worry if you’re in the ACNH (Animal Crossing: New Horizons) community or the RHTC (Royale High Twitter Community), though. Stay the HELL away from those “girly wholesome” communities AT ALL COSTS. THEY ARE TOXIC. If you make ONE mistake, no MATTER how small, EVER, even if it’s been three years, you’re FUCKED. BREATHING is cultural appropriation there. STAY. AWAY.

If the community you’ll participate in is in the Arcane Odyssey/Arcane Adventures/etc. corner of Roblox, though, then I’m pretty sure you’ll be just fine. Just don’t be openly racist/an unironic Nazi/etc. and no one will hate you.

Source: I used to play Royale High. The RHTC is HELL. I’m glad I got away from there a long time ago.

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I’m not sure what kind of content creator I’ll be but I definitely will have AO.

I’m thinking about becoming like a commentary channel or something similar to caddicarus (amazing yter, go watch him)

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The AO community is safe. The commentary community is okay, I think. And YouTube is better than Twitter.

I’m also probably gonna make a discord but dunno how lol


why :stuck_out_tongue:

The endless L’s that commentary youtubers take

I mean penguinz0 is doing pretty good