Some weird questions about becoming a content creator + worries

so recently I have been becoming more and more interested in the idea of becoming a content creator for a fun hobby for personal fulfillment but I have a few concerns about my past behaviors and immaturity on other forums and dumb stuff I said and did in the past.

i just wanna ask if like those bad things I did are going to be detrimental to me? I mean I made these mistakes a while ago and i don’t know if this will come back at me and cancel me or something (then again I am never using twitter because of how awful most people there are anyways) so I just wanna know if these past mistakes are going to impact me.

now you probably wanna know what I did in the past year that has made me concerned and it’s mainly trolling on other forums or starting drama, and getting angry and saying some pretty mean stuff like to go kill yourself or typical baby rage (which I don’t do anymore and I’m not proud of my past self but I’ve moved from that and my life has been in some ways improving).

anyways I just wanna share these concerns with you guys because I trust that you can help gives some decent advice.


Nobody cares and nobody will recognize you. Trust me on this.

let’s assume sandal gets big enough as like a youtuber or some kind of artist.

then should I start worrying about my past ways of trolling?

unless you’ve said like some nazi worthy stuff I bet you’d be fiiine

the worst I have said is like “go kill yourself” to a person who was really good at making me mad so I mean…

is that bad?

no. Like I said, nobody will recognize you, and nobody will care

haha no that’s stupidly tame
if you called him a jew then that would be a different story

don’t diddle any kids sandal pinky promise me that

okay but what if I am big enough to be recognized???

That is literally the norm here.

bro I’m 15 irl chillll

Three people call out a huge content creator for something they said 69 years ago on a dumb forum that nobody cares about. Big whoop.

If the fucking nazis can get away with the holocaust and still have a huge following then you can get away with quoting the funny lightning man.

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btw if you are wondering where I did this troglodyte behaviour it was on the loomian legacy fandom.

i am banned from that fandom for 1 year despite the other person being equally as guilty.

in fact when the moderator sent my ban message they taunted me in DMs

fuck you, delinqukent or whatever you were named.

also never go to fandoms they are extremely toxic and I have learned that now.

thank you for the master advice

also if the moment ever does happen where for some dumb reason the kids that got me banned from that forum have some weird revenge vendetta to fill out (despite kinda already fulfilling it by getting me banned.) and tattling on me what should I do?

you mean fandom as in the fandom wiki? regardless both people should consider the advice of that african american man with the lightning

You don’t really need a contingency plan for everything, but I’ll humour you:

  • First off, changing your name will cover your tracks pretty well. Nobody knows your real name or face (I presume), so there’s no way they’ll recognize you with a different handle.
  • If, by some miracle, they DO recognize you, then you have two options:

1.) Apologize for the things that you said when you were a big dumb stinky baby 50 years ago and be all comedic about it. Unless your following has the same intelligence capacity as twitter, then they’ll probably understand and have a good laugh at the immaturity and stupidity of your attackers.
2.) Just brush it off. There is absolutely NO WAY to prove that you and that random forums person from 50 years ago were the same person.

As someone with a youtube channel hovering around 66 subscribers and 3000+ views all I want to say is nobody cares… yet. You should be accountable for your past actions but people change and you won’t be big enough to even get canceled for a long time(if you keep growing)
(I make loomian legacy videos btw go check me out
shameless plug ik)

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“Posts this on a forum”

In all seriousness though, I wouldn’t take it too seriously.
Unless you’ve done some really bad shit it won’t matter even if people figure out it was you by some chance.

Essentially this ^

Now I’ma go back to staring at my Bits Of Ethepthus series and internally venting about how relatively unnoticed it is… oh the pains of being a creater.

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bro I swear the stuff on fandoms that I have seen make AO forum toxicity the most civilized tea party to ever exist.

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dont worry, no one will give a shit if you made poop jokes on a lego magic forum

we aren’t talking about the poop jokes I still find those quite humorable and will forever cherish toilet humor.

we’re talking about the times sandal went from: :wood_magic_var1: to :poison_magic_var1: