Some weird unfinalized headcanon "lore" about my Archenhailor OC

Archenhailor isn’t the only goddess out there in her world, I guess. I don’t even know her world, however her house would look like a floating castle on a sky island in space.

There are 3 other gods and goddesses out there. There’s Fenzeichu, Sentouzarech, and Irachorsi.

Fenzeichu (not final):

Sentouzarech (Sentouzarek) (not final):


Archenhailor (Arkenheilor):

Irachorsi (not final):

They are all nigh-omnipotent. The thing preventing them from being omnipotent is that they can’t kill each other and can’t destroy anything within a certain spherical area. Each one of them has one giant area in which they have complete power over. They basically have the power of creation and destruction.

They all have different personalities. I haven’t finalized it, but all I know is that Fenzeichu is nearly a 180 opposite from me.


ah yes Archenhailor’s OC, Archenhailor


that’s very true, well call them my main/mascot oc

im thinking, should i make this canon?
  • yes (give archenhailor friends)
  • no (let archenhailor stay as the only omnipotent entity)
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You should learn to make roblox studio models fr

all i know right now are unions

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I mean, you could’ve been a little less bland with the powers, but… alright

well i do have a nerfed version of myself in a way, adrenalineleveltan90


this mfer is kinda a glass cannon…

their abilities are being able to shoot out magical blasts and control some magical solid matter. they can also overclock themself which makes them insanely powerful but they always end up hurting themself. they can fly and are very fast.

they cant solo the arcane universe.

is the magic anything specific or is it just pure magic energy

i’m not sure but it’s mostly pure magic energy with drops of lightning


No matter how powerful they are, they can’t un-Burger King the foot lettuce.


im thinking of revamping arkenheilor to have the color scheme of a novus warden

because of this, i might make it so that the gang is red-yellow-green-blue instead of red-green-blue-purple

C̶̳͘͠H̶̭͔̿Ȯ̶͙͘O̵̟͚̅̅Ş̸͋E̷̡͑ͅ ̴͇͒Ö̷̧͓́N̸̼͝E̵͙͆͠
  • :red_circle::green_circle::large_blue_circle::purple_circle:
  • :red_circle::yellow_circle::green_circle::large_blue_circle:
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