Someone do math for me

I am all too lazy and mayyyybe a bit tipsy, so I need onna you fine forum friends to help me do the math.

So lucks been giga buffed if you heard (Wahoo!)

At luck 3, calvus drops (1 in ten) become almost elius drops (1 in six)

So can someone use this to math out what calvus drops would be at each level. Or uhh, give me a formula that would work because for some reason my brain is shorting out right now.

Going to guess it is this
Drop rate (in this case the 1/10, it’ll be the 10) x (1 - drop rate increase)
10% → 10 x (1 - 0.1) = 9 which is 1/9
20% → 10 x (1 - 0.2) = 8 which is 1/8
40% → 10 x (1 - 0.4) = 6 which is 1/6
70% → 10 x (1 - 0.7) = 3 which is 1/3
99% → 10 x (1 - 0.99) = 0.1 which is basically a guaranteed drop

This also should work for the other drop rates. However, I have some doubt about this when it comes to fishing for sunkens. Going to use 1/8000 as a drop rate, and apply the 0.99 from T5 luck.
99% → 8000 x (1 - 0.99) = 80 or 1/80 :skull:


The sunken market is DEAD.

though isn’t the chance of getting a sunken normally 1/2000?

we should test this friday. Now how do you move that formula to people like Elius?

its 1/2000 for a sunken, 1/8000 for a SPECIFIC SUNKEN (if you fish a sunken theres 1 out of 4 options rn)

also the luck potions ADD on the chance you get something rare (i.e. it wont be a 1/9 chance you get calvus’ gear with a tier 1 potion, its now a 11% chance, tier 2 is 12%, you get the jist)

I caught a sunken today yeahhh!

Anyway, so say we apply the 99% to the 1/2000 chance

That would decrease the chance by 1980? Right? Unlesss I am butchering Crusades formula.

So tier 5 luck makes sunkens a 1/20 chance. (That is if luck potions affect sunken rate)

we also have to consider the entire item loot pool.

Yeah, on bosses its wayyy more straight forward. I think vetex took a suggestion to make luck function on a reroll system later- so abuse this while you can crew.

the most OP thing in the entire game
imagine in the last sea gulping down a tier 5 luck brew and scoring the entire legendary sunken set and gaining yourself ten thousand defense

can a luck potion help you get a legendary golden fish?

Most of you see where this is going.


yet it looks like my mismisinformation campaign is in ruins

can we factor in the new fishing rod enchants as well

I find that hard to believe because that would be completely worthless.

Golden scales, despite coming from fairly rare golden fish and being one of the only reasons people care about golden fish at all, would be completely worthless.

with a perfect luck brew you have a 1/1000 chance to get a sunken (1/4000 for a specific one) and a 1/5 chance of calvus’s gear
its not worthless, but crusade’s calculations would make luck potions among the most overpowered things even late game
@Crimsonpants they do :poggerfish:

ok so that’s a double drop chance for like an hour if you use a cauldron, 5-10 minutes otherwise, after you find 10 legendary fish.

in that time you could have gotten more than a couple sets of calvus gear.


2 jelly fish and 10 golden fish
a better deal is to give all of them to me (i will give nothing in return)

I immediately removed that as an option

Except mine is the only one to make sense with what Vetex said, so unless Vetex did his own calculation wrong then I’m not entirely sure this is accurate on your end. Yeah I get that my calculation would be overpowered, but in all honesty this is just a placeholder until presumably Luck would use this rates to roll for another drop.
So that 99% would be a 99% chance to roll for another drop vs a 99% boost to luck rates.

Time to get fishing