Something about Aether Magic

I think aether magic would be something like a type of light that burns anything it touches, like sheer destructive power

Also i thinked of this after seeing the 7 seas mutation chart thing


Yes but it’s gonna be white. Vetex confirmed that in a post about a white light variant.

Otherwise that looks real good.

Wait variant? So there will be more aether light colors?

No no.

Someone suggested a white light variant but vetex confirmed that white was going to be reserved for aether.

so like you t pose over your opponents while emitting bright light…

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Oh ok, didnt knew that vetex said that, k

I don’t know if I will feel honored or ashamed to die to that.

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Light turns white when you master light, Aether is completely different, kinda, but Aether is explosive bright light, it’s just better light basically, but Aether and white light are different

Wait where did he confirm this

Damn I can’t find it but I distinctly remember someone making a suggestion for a white light variant that ended because vetex said white was reserved. I’m going to keep searching.

In AA it was being saved for the Mastered Light Variant, and Aether was just brighter light

What are all the Grand Fires? I know Promethean, Darkflame, Aethereal and Inferno, but I swear there is one more.

Should be scorch I’m pretty sure

what did they all embody again? Something about how inferno represented heat, and aether light or something?


Inferno is focused on burning power
darkflame is focused on spreading,
aetheral flame is focused on brightness,
scorch is focused on explosive power

promethean flame is basically all of them mixed,
albeit not as directly strong as the others in their respective attributes

notably the blaze curse exists too,
granted it isn’t a promethean curse, and it’s probably just higher tier fire

Pretty sure it was like orange lightning, so probably yeah. Wait if Aethereal is already explosive, how explosive would scorch be?

Is that the same as AA mutation chart or is it new ?

What about Phoenix? The one Theos had in A.A. Mayb I am wrong, but I just thought it might be.

no, Pheonix is all the curses that Prometheus created. No way a normal human could just have one, and not become godlike.