Something terrible has happened to a_nerd


a_nerd got anon’ed and I don’t know why :sob: :cry:

He was one of my best friends on the forum and I need an explanation why this happened.

Not just that, all of his posts have been deleted, like he never existed.

What happened to him?

he requested it i think. sad to see him go.

man I wish I could say goodbye at least.

I thought he was joking when he DMed me about it

Wait, what!?

Damn imma miss that guy. Wonder what made him throw in the towel…

a_nerd, element, ezia, user4…
my forum brothers are disappearing every day …

maybe the arcane odyssey - is a forum users whom we met on the way?
:male_sign: !


Wait for real? a_nerd is gone? This truly has been… An Arcane Odyssey…

He must have had his reasons, but oh boy… Sad to see him go.

this is probably why


Getting racist now…

because A_nerd left
Gonna miss him

wait is he really gone or just taking a break?

He’s gone

bruh :sob:

AO lived up more than I thought it would for me, and the game can only go up from here

He completely lost all interest in ao in December

thats a shame
do you know what he did with his inventory? did he keep it in case he wanted to play ao?

He said he would give it away to a random but idk if he actually did since he left before ao was out
U aren’t getting his bag smh

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nah i dont want to but hes a trader so it would be nice if he gave his items away to the community
and if he didnt then he would be more likely to return to the game at some point

Speaking of a_nerd I haven’t heard from him since AO release…
Hope he is actually alright, in all seriousness.