Somewhere in the Dark Sea 2

Somewhere in the Dark Sea, you cant be safe even in the skies


YOOOO I love that despite that I pissed and shit my pants


How much do you bet that somewhere, somehow, there’s going to be either a glitch; or it will actually be in the game; and this scenario will happen?|

(Note: The art is amazingly good… Especially the rain. It makes the climate even better.)

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You know damm well games that vetex makes will always include a flying shark glitch

that looks epic imagine flying your skyship above the dark sea and the white eyes just jumps out of the ocean and eats you

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i thought this was a leak for a second. All i can say is that this looks amazing!

holy shit that is terrifying and i love it

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You’re giving Vetex ideas

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Bring back LARRY.

is that a good thing

in this case, no

probably imagine sharks that can breathe fire

death imminent

This bastard keeps attacking me… GET INCINERATED


Top notch quallity almost looks like from the game! Keep up the good work!


love Genos

Props to the man who considered going into the Dark Sea knowing damn well he won’t make it back regardless

i sea