Sonata Call

It’s been lying around for a few days already and I still can’t make background so yea

This is Sonata, she’s a lightning/ice mage. Overall a cute girl (for the most part)



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This style is…unique to say the least.
Judging by her uniform, I think Sonata is a member of the Grand Navy. Being a cute girl, I suppose she would look at things from an artistic side and likes expressing how she feels about them on the canvas, or rather, in this case, “paper”.

That said, the Grand Navy isn’t a place for one to sit around and to fully comprehend the beauty of something nor is it a place for one to constantly refine their artistic craft. A sailor, especially low-rank, who is expected to be always on the move and move quickly between places as criminals always lurk in the shadow, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

This style feels like it was formed with the intention of being able to be drawn quickly while still allowing the artist to discern their subject to a high degree. In this case, I suspect the artist is Sonata herself. This reminds me of WW1 artists who managed to capture the horrors of trench warfare and through that, they express empathy, grief and sadness for all the lives that were lost in a war that was suppose to end all wars.

I guess that no matter the situation, beauty will always shine through. No matter young or old.

I must have classified Inseny and Sonata as one person instead of two separate persons. In that case, I sent you my most sincere apology.

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super lit!!