[Song] Riverville

@NEKOSAIKOU :flushed:

good luck with the project!

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allah music

i always thought Riverville music had serious meme potential.
and now it sounds poggers, congratulations.

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I wonder how nostalgic this will be when TGR comes out

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i wonder if vetex is gonna reuse the themes for anything, if so they better be secrets hidden around the oceans.

kinda like the DOOM levels in DOOM 2016, would be cool.


@TheRealTree Thanks man, I’ll definitely need it
@TheSandCrab thanks big man :pog:, and yeah I think it’d be awesome to do something like that, like a hidden place with the old music
@iammback_95 Agreed, we can say “only the OG’s remember” for real lmfao
@64arc :coolflushed:

Good shit

@Zel Thank you bro, glad you like it